Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

After being pampered for hours on end. I finally met Cinna. "I'm so sorry this happened to you." He said as soon as he entered the room. Just by this statement I could tell I could trust him because he wasn't like the others who were congratulating me on getting reaped.

"Really? Everyone else seems to be congratulating me." I said.

"I don't see the point in that, you were very brave to volunteer for your sister." He said sitting on the bed next to me.

"She would have done the same thing. I just needed to make sure both her and my Niece or Nephew was kept safe." I replied smiling at the thought of Katniss and her unborn child.

"Sounds like you really love her huh?"

"Yeah I do. She's always been there for me to protect me from things like the games and now I can do the same because she's pregnant. Can I tell you a secret?" I was debating on whether or not to tell him but I felt this vibe that gave me the courage to tell him the truth about the baby daddy.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." I took a deep breath.

"Do you have any idea who the father of my sister's baby is?" I asked even though I knew he didn't. He shook his head. "Peeta." I whispered. His eyes widened. "You can't tell him." I added urgently. I can;t have him or anyone else knowing.

"I won't tell anyone but will he know before he dies. If he dies." He corrected. I didn't really know because if Peeta did die in the arena, I wouldn't know what to say. If I was there when he was dying then I will tell him as his dying wish.

"I'll tell him if I'm with him if he dies but if I'm not there and he dies then he can watch down on using district twelve and watch his baby grow up to be just like her." I told him. Without another word, he pulled something out of a bag that he hung up on the back of the door.

It was the most elegant dress I had ever seen. It was black just like I expected being from a coal district and all but it was amazing. I knew that the minute I stepped into the dress I would feel beautiful.

I was right. The Minute I was in the dress I felt beautiful. I stared at myself in the long mirror that was in front of me. I already didn't look like myself and I knew that he still had to do my hair and makeup before I was even ready to present to the capitol.

"You look beautiful Katniss." He smiled.

" I feel Beautiful Thank you Cinna." I thanked.

"No Problem. This is different than any costume district twelve has ever worn before." He said he has a glint of mischief. I gave him a look. He just smiled.

"Different how?" I asked pulling a scared face. I didn't know if I wanted to know."

"Wait and see little Primrose. Wait and see."He sat me down and started to work on my hair. He put it into a bun with braids wrapping around it. Then he started on my make up,it started off simple and elegant and then into beautiful and elegant. I looked like a whole different person. When he passed me the mirror to look at myself. I whispered. "If only Katniss could see me now."

"She will see you on Camera in a little while. You look beautiful and I know you will definitely do her proud."

"Thanks Cinna." He lead me out and over to the elevator. "Where's Peeta?"

"He's already down there with Portia." He replied. I stayed quiet until I finally met with Peeta. "Okay Now you're both together, I knew that this year I wanted to make the two tributes from district twelve memorable. This will do the trick.." He looked at both of us. " I'm going to set you alight." He said Effie and Portia were squealing.

"Alight?" I squeaked. I didn't want to be set on fire, I'm going to die in a few days anyway but I didn't want to die before then or by fire.

"It's fake. You won't feel a thing. The suits are suppose to stop it burning. If it does burn pull them off while riding it will create an amazing effect and a twist to the show." Cinna said. I nodded and stood on the chariot next to Peeta. I gripped his hand tight as Cinna started to burn us.

We were both ready and waited as most of the other chariot went riding out into the spotlight. I looked at Peeta and he looked down at me. I smiled.

"Ready?" He asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Ready." The two of us went rolling out down the road that was marked for us having people sat in the stands cheering for whoever it was they wanted to spend money onto make sure they win.

I looked up at the camera facing us and saw Peeta and I on fire. I was in shock. We both looked amazing I wish I could see Katniss' face right now it would be a picture to frame.

With out my confirmation, Peeta lifted me above his head. I gasped as I went up but after I while I began to relax and I spread my arms like a bird as Peeta held me showing his strength. It was amazing. Peeta knew what he was doing to get us sponsors. He is amazing. I really hope he wins. If not for me, for Katniss and his baby.

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