Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

Today is a new day, we are going to go and find a tribute to kill. I may not have told the others but that is my plan and if they don't follow through then I go alone,I just want to go home with Peeta and see my sister. I want these games to be over.

I laid against Peeta in the tree. My head was resting on his berry stained t-shirt. I can already see Katniss laying like this with him once their baby is born. Peeta still doesn't know about the baby being his. He knows shes pregnant like everyone else in the district but no one knows it's his. They must probably think it's gales.

"Peeta?" I whispered trying not to wake Rue.

"Yeah?" He answered looking down at me.

"Are we going to fight today?" I asked. "I want these games to end. I want to be home for when Katniss has her baby. I want to deliver her." I sobbed. Peeta started to rub my back as he let me sob into his chest.

"Well We could," He said. "But, I think we should wait until Cato kills most of the tributes so that we can concentrate on taking him down." He made a plan. It was a pretty good idea, I just didn't know how long we were going to have to wait.

"Okay. What are we doing today?" I asked. Rue started to stir in her sleep slowly opening her eyes making no effort to sit up.

"We could stay here for a while." He suggested. I nodded and lid my head back onto his chest.




Another Three tributes gone in the matter of seconds. It could only be the girl from six, both from two, both from one, the boy from Eleven or girl from five

So there was only two more left alone and I could take a wild guess it was two members of the career pack. The pair from two.

"Four left then you can go home." He whispered down to me. What did he mean by four there was only two left. Oh! Rue and him. They were going to lay their lives down for her to go home. I don't want to leave the arena without either of them. I have to be able to get both of them out.

"Come on Clove! We have to find the two little girls and lover boy." I knew that malicious sound anywhere. It was Cato the boy from two, He was with his district Partner Clove. They didn't have a care in the world, there was only five of us left and they knew that they could take down two little twelve years old easily and when we're gone Peeta wild give up and they would win together.

"Shhh!" I mouthed to them with a finger to my lips. I watched as Peeta snuck around behind the pair ready to stab him with his knife.

"I know you're there Twelve. Come out and play." Clove snorted. He smiled at us and stabbed her in the back and watched her fall to the ground blood falling out of her mouth.

"I'm here and I'm ready to play." Peeta said. I swear that he had a death wish.He was teasing Cato, he should know better than that.

"Oooh, I'm gonna love playing with you." He snickered grabbing him in a headlock. "Any last words to say to those two children hiding behind the bushes, or to your baby mama?" I saw him tense up. He still didn't know about that, he thought it was Gales and it was a sensitive subject especially to him because he doesn't know what Katniss likes him also.

"Yeah, I wasn't a wrestling champion for nothing." Peeta gasped before grabbing Cato's wrist and flipping him over. I ran out from behind the bushes and stabbed him in the stomach.

BOOM! That was his cannon, Cloves went off not long before.

Now there was just me and Peeta and Rue and Thresh. That means that three of us still have to die.

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