Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

We spent hours on training. I mostly worked with Haymitch because he training me on what to say about Katniss and no one else knew about this even though she did. I thanked him for doing this because if he didn't then I definitely would have ever told her how I felt.

We were getting ready and I had my prep team fussing over me.I didn't like it so much just because I didn't like being touched because of my past with my mother. Unless it was Katniss, then I would make an exception.

I was dressed in a black suit with fire flames on the sleeves. My hair was side swept. I was too busy worrying about Prim to care about the interviews. I know that she's going to get nervous and say the wrong thing that will get her killed in the blood bath to the games.

I walked out of my room and met Prim over by the elevator getting ready to go to the stage with the other tributes. I grabbed Prim's hand as we followed Effie into the elevator and we rode down to the bottom floor. She escorted us to the back stage where we could see the stage and see Caesar getting prepped to.

"Are you okay?" I asked Prim as I felt her squeeze my hand.

"Look at how muscley they all are Peeta, We don't stand a chance." She whispered getting closer to my body.

"Don't worry about that Prim, We can get through this, I know we can. Believe and you will win them Prim. Just answer the questions Caesar asks just be careful with your words." I whispered in her ear. She nodded. "Remember Cinna said to show the flames." He said.

The interviews began with District one, Marvel and Glimmer began their interviews separately. I watched as they played nice to the cameras, I hated it, I hated that we can't be ourselves we have to be someone we're not just to get through the games.

District 11 was the next tribute up after the careers interviews I kind of blocked out the others because I was too nervous thinking about hoe everyone will react to my revelation. Rue the small 12 year od was first and she was telling the whole of Panem how she may be small but she can hide and climb fast so no one should rule out the 12 year olds because they can still be good contestants. This made me smile. She hadn't accepted her death yet and I wasn't going to let Prim do that if I can help it. Maybe we could get them both out the games together.

Thresh was next and he was quite buff for someone who game from district 11. He was hardcore and he wasn't letting Caesar or these games change him because if he's going to die he wants to be himself and he told Caesar just that. I had to admire him for that. That wasn't something you should be saying if you want to win the games but I think he had accepted his death so that Rue could win and get out of the games.

"Next up is the girl on fire from District 12, Primrose Everdeen the volunteer!" Caesar said as the audience roared. He stood up and helped her to her seat.

"So Primrose." He started once the room was calm again. "How have you found the capitol so far?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. What was she supposed to say? She hated it here because she knew that she would die? Bloody idiot.

"Please call me Prim all my friends and family call me that, unless I'm in trouble of course." She giggled. "As for the capitol, It has treated me kindly. I have had food in the past few days that I had never had before and it's really exciting." She answered.

"Now I know you might not went to talk about it but, I have to ask, when you volunteered for your pregnant Sister, what was going trough your mind?"

"I was thinking of how I needed to make sure her and my niece nephew is safe. I knew my sister would have done the same for me but I wanted to be the one to save her this time. I also wasn't thinking the minute they called her name, I knew that I was going to volunteer, there was to be no questions asked." She said. That was good. She is an amazing talker just like her sister.

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