Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I laid in my bed early hours this morning looking at the ceiling. I didn't want to get up today because I only had two days left before the games. Today I had to go to the training centre and show the game makers what my skills are. I'm nervous. I haven't gone anywhere without Peeta for the past few days and I didn't want to start now but I knew I had no choice.

"Prim? Are you awake?" Peeta's voice whispered from outside the door. I looked towards the clock on the bedside cabinet and saw it said 6.30am.

"Yeah. Come in." I said turning onto my side looking towards the door waiting to see Peeta enter my room.

"Why are you awake this early?" Peeta asked. I didn't actually know. I was just awake. I knew that I needed to sleep as much as possible before I go into the arena but I can;t help but wake up early. I just shrugged.

"Why are you?" I asked back.

"I'm always up at 5.00am for the bakery, I guess I'm used to it by now." He explained. I patted the bed next to me and he got under it with me. I wrapped myself around him. I knew that I wasn't going to have much comfort ever again before I die so I decided to take this chance. I mean Peeta is like my Brother and I do love him like one.

"I'm scared." I whispered laying my head on his hard chest.

"Why are you scared?" He asked. His voice was so soft, I nearly missed what he said.

"I don;t want you or me to die. One of us has to go home to my sister." I told him looking at him out the corner of my eye.

"Why would I want to go home to your sister?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Because I know you like her and I know about when you made love to her." I said with a smirk.

"Oh I... I.. Um...I..." I laughed as he stuttered.

"It's okay Peeta, I understand no one actually notices my sister because Gale scared them away but you didn't care. You got the girl you wanted. Yet she doesn't know how you feel just that you slept with her."I told him sitting up.

"We better get up." He said changing the subject. His face was as red as a tomato. I thought it was pretty funny how embarrassed he got.

He went back to his room to get changed and ready for our individual training session. I did the same, I changed into our outfits Effie had put together so that we could match. I went to the dining cart to eat breakfast. I needed to eat before today or I Think I'd throw up from nerves.

"Morning." I said as I sat next to Effie, Peeta wasn't down yet so there was an empty space next to Haymitch.

"Morning dearie." Effie chirped in my ear. I had to refrain from winding and going to sit next to Haymitch.

"Morning Sweetheart." Haymitch said gruffly. "Are you ready for today?" He asked, I nodded digging into my bacon and eggs that the Avox had just given me.

After eating breakfast, I still hadn't seen Peeta. I was worried I had embarrassed him too much that he was ashamed to even talk to me. If that was the case then I am feeling guilty. Haymitch had left me and Effie while he went to collect Peeta. As he came towards us I could tell he didn't want to look at me, we was avoiding eye contact.

We said out goodbyes to Effie and Haymitch as we went down to the training centre. I was scared and nervous, The journey down was awkward, me and Peeta didn't walk the only thing that was heard was the mechanical work of the elevator.

"Peeta." I started turning towards him. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I really didn't mean to." I apologized.

"It's Okay Prim, I understand you were only joking." He smiled. And I giggled.

We sat with the rest of the tributes and sat on the seats marked '12' We sat in silence as each tribute went into perform their skills for the game makers. I was really nervous, I mean I wasn't +exactly the best at anything that can protect me from death in the arena apart from the plants I can eat and can't eat. I think Peeta's gonna get a high score because he's very buffy and most of the tributes are really small.

"Peeta Mellark, district 12." A lady's voice came over the intercom. He gave me a quick hug before walking in. "Good luck Peeta." I said as we walked down the hallway into the room and the door slammed shut behind him. I was now alone,sat on the chairs waiting for my chance to get scored.

It had to of been half an hour before my name was finally called. I saw Peeta walking out the room at the same time I was walking in. He gave a nod of his head hugging me quickly as I walked over to the plant station. "Primrose Everdeen district 12." I said getting the game makers attention.

The pant station was easy. I had to hit the buttons of the plants that are edible and it timed me. I did it in45 seconds. There are over 12,000 edible plants. When I finished i said thank you and walked out. I was waiting for get back to our room so I can be safe next to Peeta again.

I got up there and they were already eating their dinner and I plopped down next to Peeta he kissed my cheek. "How'd it go?" He asked stuffing some hot potatoes into his mouth.

"Good I did it in 45 seconds." I said smiling

"Well done." Haymitch and Effie were watching our interactions. We went to bed early that night because we had a long day of interviews tomorrow.

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