Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Today we are going into the games. Today I am going to fight for my life. Today I am going to tea up with Peeta. Today I'm gonna let everyone know that no one can rule out the twelve year old Primrose Everdeen. Today I am going to fight and get back home to my sister with Peeta by my side. Today I am going to kill tributes to get closer to being a victor. Today I am going to prove to Haymitch Abernathy that although I'm twelve I am still part of these games and can win.

Cinna was with me getting me into the arena outfit. It wasn't as nice as it would have been with Cinna's design but I suppose it will do. It was khaki Pants and a black shirt with a warm jacket covering my arms. I had the mocking jay Pin Katniss gave me in the justice building. It was pinned to the inside of my jacket to keep it hidden just for good luck.

"Okay, Prim. You're ready to go." He said as he pulled on my jacket. Over these past few days, Cinna has become the closest thing I have to a friend here in the Capitol, I have Peeta but it's nice to have someone who's not going through the games. He is what I focus on when I was in the interviews. He was the one who I looked at when I was talking about my sister. He was the one who is going to send some baby clothes to Katniss.

"Thank you Cinna, You have been amazing these past few days." I thanked him. I know that I shouldn't because he is just doing his job or president snow would have him killed but he isn't like other capitol citizens, he is amazing.

"It's not a problem. Remember that if I was allowed to vote. I would bet on you. I will keep my promise and send things to your sister for her baby and I'll give her the letter and the pictures Peeta drew of her." He said.

A few days ago, I found some pictures in Peeta's room and I could tell that they were of Katniss. He was a beautiful artist and you can see the baby bump in one of them and she looked so radiant it was beautiful.

"Thank you Cinna, I need her to know that I'm not going to be alive y the end of this but Peeta will be coming home to her and help keep this baby alive with his winning. He's going to love her forever." I asked him. He nodded.

We walked out and escorted towards the hovercraft to take us to our doom. It was the last time I was going to see Haymitch. Haymitch wasn't my favourite person because of all the digs he makes towards Katniss but he is the one who is in charge of my life at the moment so I want to show him how I love him and how I want him to get me out of these games and take me home to my sister but the only way I was coming out of these games, was if Peeta was coming out with me.

"Bye Haymitch, I'm gonna miss you." I smiled. He matched my smile. I sighed. Haymitch was a good man who needed to get one of us out to look after him.After all, he is getting older and is still drinking too much for him to be able to cope on his own.

"Bye Prim, I'll see you in a few days when you get out alive." He reassured me. I nodded just going along with what he is saying not wanting our last meeting to become an argument.

"Okay. Only if Peeta is coming out with me." I gave him that look. He nodded.

"of Course. I've got a meeting with Seneca soon and hopefully have the rules changed. But no promises. I will get you out though Prim. You have to go back for the birth of your niece or nephew." He said. I felt a little hint of relief when he said that. Now I know what He does like me and he is going to help me.

Me and the other tributes were sat in the hovercraft not talking at all. I'm sat next to Peeta and Rue. I was looking at all the other tributes in this hovercraft. Other tributes were in another hovercraft. I was glad Peeta was in the same one. I needed some sort of comfort.

I was curled up into his arms hugging him. "Remember Prim, run into the forest behind you and I'll meet you there." He whispered into my ear and kissed my forehead. I nodded. I knew he was going to run and get some supplies so I'm gonna have to go and hide and wait for him because I don't want to be alone.

Once we were out of the hovercraft, I was escorted into the tube room and ran into Cinna's arms who was already there. No words were needed to know how the other felt.

The countdown started and I got into the tube. Standing there in silence for a few seconds before Cinna broke it.

"You're gonna win prim." That was the last I heard from him. I was shot up onto my pedestal and watched as all the other tributes also came out from the ground. I saw Peeta a few feet away from me motioning with his head toward the forest behind us. I nodded and waited for the gong to sound.

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