I Love You, My Everything

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Hello Hello again :D I just wrote this. It's kind of for Mother's Day (even though it can be/sound like for other stuff) ♥ Anyway, you know the drill people :) ~Tina~


When I was sad

You held me close

You made me laugh

When I couldn’t even smile

You were the one

Who was always there

From the very beginning

And hopefully ‘till the end

Now I just want to thank you

For everything you’ve done for me

Every little thing

To the most important ones

I know that I can always trust you

That I can always rely on you

Whenever I need someone to lean on

You’ll be the first one I turn too

I love you so much

I don’t know what I’d do without you

You are my everything

I don’t know who I’d be without you in my life

I know I don’t need to ask

For you to stay with me

Cause you know me that well

You know that I will always need you

You love me

And would do anything for me

And I love you

And would do the same for you

You are what made me

The wonderful person I am today

I thank you on this very day

And say I love you, my everything

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