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     AFTER TRAVELING FOR MANY DAYS in a hot air balloon belonging to the Fire Nation, Iroh and Yan landed in a forest in the Earth Kingdom. Yan was more than happy to get out of the hot air balloon, the travel making her slightly air sick and dizzy. She and Iroh traveled on foot the rest of the way to Ba Sing Se until they reached a camp surrounded by a wall of rocks in the Agrarian Zone. As soon as they entered the camp, Yan rushed over to a vase of water and hungrily drank from it, not thinking of any precautions. It was only when she felt the tip of a sword against the center of her shoulder blades did she freeze.

"Turn around slowly." a male voice ordered. Yan swallowed her gulp of water and wiped her mouth before slowly turning around, her hands up in surrender. When she turned, she faced an older man who looked to be much older than her father. Yet, his proficiency with a sword was impeccable, far superior to any swordsman she had ever seen. "Who are you and how did you find this place?"

Before she could answer, Iroh stepped to her side, raising his hand. "Who knocks at the garden gate?" he asked the man brandishing the sword. The swordsman flicked his gaze back and forth between Yan and Iroh, his stare hard like stone.

"One who has eaten the fruit and tasted its mysteries." the swordsman responded. He took a step back and lowered his sword, placing it back in the sheath. "We heard that you were imprisoned months ago. We were so worried for you, Iroh. It's a relief to see you have escaped."

Iroh smiled and nodded, placing his hand on Yan's shoulder who still stood confused. "I couldn't have done it without this young woman's help. I'm sure she is hungry, let's get her some food and a change of clothes before we formally introduce ourselves." Iroh suggested. The swordsman nodded and led Iroh and Yan further into the camp.

After filling her growling belly with a large helping of stew and tea, Yan was given a change of clothes to get out of the prison rags she had been wearing for months. She was given a green sleeveless tunic that was cropped at her midsection, dark green trousers with a beige sash that she secured around her hips, and black shoes. For additional protection and accessories, she wrapped white cloth around her hands and forearms and slid a black cuff up her left bicep. With not a lot of hair to work with, Yan decided to do a single braid in her hair and call it a day.

Grateful to Iroh, she bowed before him and the unnamed swordsman, thanking them immensely for all that they had done for her. "Thank you both very much," she said to them, her hands folding in front of her. 

Iroh smiled and placed his hand on top of Yan's head. "You don't need to thank us, Yan. Come, I would like to introduce you to other people." Iroh smiled, leading Yan to the center of the camp where three more elderly men waited. "Yan, this is Master Pakku of the Northern Water Tribe, Master Jeong Jeong, King Bumi, and Master Piandao. With me completing the group, we are known as the Order of the White Lotus. We are an ancient and secret society consisting of the most powerful benders and non-benders from the Four Nations."

Yan's eyes widened and she nodded, remembering the white lotus Pai Sho piece Iroh showed her at the tea shop a year prior. "Yes, that's right! That was the white lotus tile you showed me back at the Jasmine Dragon!" she smiled excitedly, glancing at each of the old men who stood before her.

"This is the one who helped you to escape the Capital City Prison? I must say, I am impressed someone as young as her assisted you." the man called Jeong Jeong said, a frown on his face. Yan didn't take any offense to his comment, taking it as a slight compliment.

Iroh nodded at Jeong Jeong's observation, standing beside Yan. "Yes, she is a very talented earthbender. She also possesses the rare skill to lavabend. I know lavabending hasn't been seen in a regular bender, only past Avatars were capable of this rare skill. I believe that with our combined efforts, we can teach her how to better her bending and perfect her lavabending." Iroh decided, glancing at each of the White Lotus members who seemed to think it over. 

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now