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Ciara Williams

Ciara Williams

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"Adam, don't. I apologize for working lat-" I sobbed out trying to calm him down as he paced around our flat. He was angry. Very Angry, all because I worked over time to provide for us.

For him and our baby girl who's currently in my stomach. He doesn't pay bills I do so if we want a roof over our heads I have no choice working double.

"You've been out cheating haven't you?" He gritted as he held up the alcohol bottle. I shook my head no, "why would I when I'm carrying your child." I sobbed worried he's going to hit me again.

He threw the bottle aiming at me but I moved, "that isn't my baby! That's some random!" He yelled out. He's never admitted it's his baby but it is. He was my first and he knows that.

We were together in high school, college, thought he was the one but once I got pregnant he started abusing me.

Hitting me, throwing me, hitting me with objects not in a care I'm pregnant with his child.

"It's your baby Adam and you know that." I wiped my tears as he stormed towards me before sending a slap to my cheek making me bite back my sobs as I held onto my cheek.

"Keep saying that nonsense and I'll beat you until you end up losing that baby." He gritted before smacking me again but harder causing me to fall straight to floor landing on the side of my belly.

I sobbed out and immediately held onto my belly hoping my babygirl was okay. "Adam, stop." I sobbed but he squinted his eyes before taking a grip onto my hair.

I loudly sobbed as he tugged before slamming my head back onto the tiles making me scream in agony.

"Shut up. Get cleaned up. I'll be home tomorrow, don't piss me off again, I don't want to beat you to a pulp." He gritted before walking away and slamming the door shut.

I sobbed hysterically not from the pain but how could a sweet man who I used to be so in love with treats me like shit. Abuses me, cheats on me, does whatever he wants.

Why I don't leave? It's not that simple. I'm afraid. Where would I go? My family been cut me off since I've ended pregnant in college but surprise I ended up having a miscarriage from all the stress I was in during.

Now it's just me and Eden. Adam is no longer a fact when my baby is here. Once I find a way to escape this hell hold I'm leaving and never coming back.


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