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Zane Marcelo

Last night was very much so needed. Me and Ciara had sex for the first time in a year. She was extremely tight to the point she cried.

But she took me like a good girl... for a hour. The rest 4 hours she couldn't take it and ended up crying the full 4 hours.

I made sure she was okay and ask if she wanted me to stop but she got mad at me when I did pull away.

I stared down at her naked body pressed against mine. She fluttered her eyes and show up, "we had sex didn't we." She whispered and groaned from the throbbing sensation between her legs.

I nodded my head, "did we use protection atleast?" She asked and I shook my head no. She groaned, "Zane, im very fertile!" She rushed up with the sheet wrapped around her body and stumbled to the bathroom.

I followed after her as she checked her phone, "Zane what the hell did you post on your story? I'm getting thousands of tags and comments." She stated as I snatched the sheet off of her and she covered her body but I smirked and tapped her ass.

I ran the shower, "I'll buy you birth control." I stated before getting inside the cold shower. I was hard from the view of Ciara.

She opened the glass door with a shocked face and showed me her screen. "Really Zane!" She squealed and rolled her eyes.

 "Really Zane!" She squealed and rolled her eyes

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"We look perfect together my love." I winked and lathered down my body with soap. She closed the bathroom door before stepping in, "very great zane- you know what they might not know it's me." Ciara said and I puckered my lips.

"What other black girl have I been with besides you? Your my first and last." I gave a wink and quickly grabbed her waist.

"Oh please zade."

"I'm serious, there's going to be a ring on that finger." I softly said and she smacked my chest but bit her bottom lip as she stared at my body.

"You like what you see? What you've been missing?" I asked and she hummed but arched her eyebrow.

"I think you miss this more."she whispered before pressing her chest together making me smile and pick her up.


"Mommy." Eden whimpered as I cooked breakfast. Ciara quickly got off the island and rushed over to Eden who was at the end of the hallway.

"Hi baby." She whispered, "hi mommy, where are we? Is he going to hit us again?" Eden softly said and Ciara sighed.

She hit the corner making Eden's eyes lock onto mine making her eyes widen. "Special!" She sobbed out and wiggled out her mothers hold.

"Hi baby girl." I happily said and picked her up. "You've gotten so big. My big girl." I whispered and she giggled before holding me.

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