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Ciara Williams

The surprise.

I was nervous leaving Eden and the boys with Zane's mother. I've never left Eden alone before. I miss them.

"Babe. Their safe and in good hands. They're going to come back spoiled." Zane held my hand and chuckled making me look over at him.

I took a sigh but he quickly sat up from his seat and walked over to the glass fridge. He grabbed a champagne bottle and 2 glasses.

He sat besides me and opened the champagne making me gasp. "That's a 600 dollar champagne." I looked over at him and he shrugged.

"Got to have the finest for my love." He gave a wink before kissing the side of my head. "Aww baby." I gave a large smile as he poured me a large glass.

I took the glass and took a sip and I quickly closed my eyes in amazement. "Good huh?" He gave a smile and I opened my eyes and nodded.

"Very." I softly said and raised my glass to his lips. He took a sip and raised his eyebrows. "That's worth the 600 dollars babe." He said and I nodded.

I took another sip before he took a picture of us. He gave that cold look but I gave a smile. He's so sexyyyyy.

His fresh haircut that was in a slick back. His stubble freshly cut and lined so neatly. His eyebrow slit- no wonder he was on the front page of playboy.

And no wonder he has a tattoo on his forearm of playboy. "Zane why the playboy tattoo? Playboy." I asked and he chuckled.
"Was young. But being young isn't an excuse because I knew what I was doing. I guess being able to model for playboy was a milestone and blessing for me. First ever high shoot." He said making me look up at him.

He gave a small smile making me nuzzle my head into his neck. "What's the meaning on your spine?" He asked me and I looked down.

"Y-you don't have to re-"

"She is evolving into the women you will never have." I cut him off before taking down my champagne.

"I didn't mean to bring it up if it's a hard to-"

"Zane. I got it on my body for a reason. It's only the truth. But I feel safe when you run your hands along my spine. When you hold me. I feel protected." I said and he gently took my champagne bottle before setting it aside.

He opened his arms making me instantly hug him. He kissed the top of my head, "I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've done. The hurtful words, being someone who you didn't need in your life. I'm sorry for fucking up." He whispered and I quickly looked up in his eyes that showed sorrow.

"We all make mistakes Zane. Deep down- no matter what happens to us we always come back to eachother because of how strong our love is for eachother. That love will never go away zane... no matter what." I softly said as he cupped my cheeks.

"I love you c." He said with a soft tone. "I love you more z." I whispered. He pecked my lips but I deepened the kiss.

His hands went to my cheeks to my waist in a matter of seconds. His hands slipped under my dress making me instantly moan from his fingers touching my bare Pussy making him pull away from the kiss.

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