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Ciara Williams

Today I heard Adam was out from bond leaving me stunned. Why did he even have a bond when he was charged with attempted murder?

That makes absolutely no sense.

"Come on bug." I softly said and placed her in car seat. I buckled her up before shutting her door close.

Today I went simple, not much. Fall is around the corner which mean colder weather but it's in the 70's and the sun is out so it's slightly warm.

 Fall is around the corner which mean colder weather but it's in the 70's and the sun is out so it's slightly warm

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I got in the car and buckled up before starting the car. I quickly drove over as I placed on the gps to the restaurant.

As I went to brake it wasn't stopping making my heart drop. I tried placing the car on neutral as I swerved through passing cars trying my best to not crash as panic started come in.

"Mommy, your scaring me!" Eden whined as I pressed on the break as I hard as I can with two feet.

"I know baby, sit tight." I croaked. I had no choice but to swerve since people walking on the crosswalk making it spin out of control causing Eden to sob out.

"Momm-" she screamed before we crashed instantly sending me out from my head being banged on the steering wheel.

Zane Marcelo

12:55, something's not right. She either stood me up but I knew she wouldn't, I even texted her asking if she was okay.

My phone rung making me pick it up, "Zane, I think Ciara crashed. She drives a white Mercedes correct?" Antonio asked making me instantly stand up and rush out the restaurant.

"Yes, where are they?" I asked anxiously as I hopped into my Mercedes g wagon, "bro, that crash-"

"Where the fuck are they! Her daughter was in the car!" I yelled out and sped off, "they've already been took to the hospital, the whole car is totaled Zane!" Antonio stated making me fly though the traffic.

"Are you sure it's them?" I asked as I floored the peddle, "yes it's them. Witness said it was a little girl and a women in the car. They said they were already going atleast 65 before crashing into multiple trees." Antonio said making me brake infront of the hospital.

I quickly got out and rushed inside, "I'll call you back." I stated before hanging up, "where's Ciara Williams and Eden Williams?" I asked the nurse who was shocked from my appearance.

I slammed my hands on the marble counter, "where the fuck are they?" I grew louder, "sir, calm down-"

"Calm down? Don't make me ask again." I gritted trying to keep my cool. "They're both currently in surgery." She finally announced making me spin around and clinch my jaw.

Both of them are in surgery. Eden is only 5 for fucks sakes! And I know who exactly who did this, he's going to hell.


I sat in the waiting room for any information. The doctor walked over to me making me stand up, "the little one is going to be fine. Suffered 2 broken ribs. Other one, suffered- it's a 50/50 chance she might not wake up." He announced making the pit of my stomach dropped.

I just met Claire and her daughter but just how Claire is it's effecting me. Deep down, I'm lost. Her family rushed in sobbing as I looked down and rushed out the hospital without saying a word to them.

I quickly got into my car and sped away as I tightly gripped onto the steering wheel before slamming my hand on the wheel.

I swerved through lanes running multiple red lights. I was upset. Angry, feeling all types of emotions. How could somebody be that evil? His own daughter was in that goddamn car.

I know where he's at.

I floored it as it reached 95mph. I swerved into the club parking lot before jumping out with my gun tucked in the back of my pants.

I walked infront of the line and passed the bodyguards. They know not to stop me, good friend owns this club.

I looked over at the women dancing looking for thirsty Adam. I busted open each vip room door looking for him but found no one.

I opened the last one revealing a women dancing on him. I pulled my gun out and motioned for her to get out.

She hurried out as Adam closed his eyes and sighed as I closed the door close. "You know what you did?" I asked lowly and he opened his eyes showing no remorse.

"If it's about Ciara and the ca-"

"Your goddamn daughter was in that car! How evil are you?" I yelled out and his eyebrows furrowed.

"they're both in the hospital, suffered broken ribs, Claire might not even wake up. You caused your daughter under go surgery! Broke her ribs! She's five dammit." I yelled out and shot him in his arm causing him to yell out.

I shot him again in his other arm making the tears fall. "I'll take this murder charge. I'll ruin my career- reputation." I spat before shooting him between his eyes.

I tucked my gun back behind my back before walking out to see the whole club empty. Tony stood in the middle of the club making me wipe my nose and stand tall.

"Clean that shit up." I lowly spat motioning where Adam is before walking out the club.


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