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Ciara Williams

My hand in his as he drove up large hills. Me personally I didn't think his g wagon would make it but surprisingly it did.

He parked on top of the hill and quickly got out to get my door. The view was perfect. He opened my door and gently took my hand.

"I used to come here a few years ago when I wanted to clear my mind. Get away from the fame." He softly said before he placed me on the top of the hood.

He stood between my legs and rested his arms on my thighs. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair making him lightly groan out and toss his head back.

He slowly turned around and stared down at me before pressing our foreheads together. "I promise Ciara. I have you and Eden. You both are my girls no matter what." He whispered before grabbing my ring finger that carried the ring he gave me.

He placed a soft kiss on it making me pout and kiss his lips. I slowly pulled away, "why treat me and my baby girl this good? You can't be real." I whispered.

"That first day when I met you and Eden. At the grocery store. You didn't even know who I was and that made me think. You didn't care about my fame- didn't even know. Usually I meet women who's bat shit crazy about me because of my fame and money. You didn't see that, you only cared about you and your daughter. Once your daughter came up to me and called me special I didn't stop thinking all that day about the name she gave me. But little does she know I think she's the special one. She has a gift Ciara, she's well spoken for 5, smart, she's aware of her surroundings... you've raised your daughter excellent. You deserve everything that's given to you baby. You deserve it all. You've been strong, your a fighter, and for damn sure your not a quitter. That's who I need by my side." He confessed making me smile and wipe the tears.

I looked up at the blue sky before looking back into Zane's eyes. "Thank you Zane. I tried my hardest, made sure Eden had everything before me. But Eden is also correct your special in many different ways Zane. Your thoughtful, you spent your days caring after me and my baby girl. Somebody who you really didn't even know. I'm grateful for you." I whispered back as he held onto my hands.

"My mama said, whatever your heart wants go chase after it. I fell for you Ciara quick, once you walked that runway I was blinded by love, so many emotions. My heart wanted you, my heart wanted to take care after you both, so I chased after you both." He whispered making me look away trying to contain my tears.

He hooked my chin forcing me to stare into his eyes. He placed my hand on his heart, "it's beating so fast right now just by looking at you Ciara." He whispered making me feel his rapid heart beat.

I couldn't contain my sobs, he was so perfect. So sweet.

"Did I do something wron-"

I quickly smashed my lips onto his making him lightly groan. I wrapped my arms around his neck before quickly pulling away, "your so perfect Zane." I whispered and he smiled before kissing my cheek.


Before we went to go get eden we decided to get brunch together. It's only 12:45. Usually I pick eden up around 6.

I promised her we could go to target and get a couple of things. Just a couple !

Attention were on us once we entered the restaurant. Of course I forced Zane to take us back home so I could change.

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