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Ciara Williams

I finished up the last of my paper work for the agents. Agents? You all must wonder, what do I do for a living, what- who am I? Let me introduce myself.

I'm Ciara Williams, 23, have a daughter named Eden Williams. She is a splitting imagine of me but took after her fathers dark hazel eyes. I hate even mentioning her fathers name, Adam.

You must have read my background story. Me and Adam used to be in love- well I thought. High school sweethearts doesn't last and everyone told us. But we were kids and thought we- I thought we were soulmates.

But we weren't. Maybe it was a sign on how he treated me. Maybe it was a sign on how he became.

I tried to fight off the 'you won't last. You are just kids, stop overdoing it.' Opinions but turns out they were correct. My mother was correct, father, even my younger 19 year old sister.

But she's in the same predicament like I was except for the beating. She seems genuinely happy, like how me and Adam were. I wish the best with my sister relationship.

Once I told My mother and father what Adam has been doing to me and causing harm to MY baby they immediately went to come get me. Even though we were on bad terms we became cool again.

I already had my bags packed and left once my parents came. Till this day Adam still tries to contact me, tries to get visiting rights with the daughter he so called claimed wasn't his. But I won't allow it- im actually going to court like almost ever week just because he's demanding having split custody.

I've showed the court who abused me while i was pregnant with my Angel. Showed them the proof of who was my abuser- her own father and you think I'm going to trust him with my baby girl?

Please. He's delusional.

He's obsessed.

Enough about him, we can talk about him later. I actually work for a modeling agency. I book, book plane rides, buy whatever they need, review contracts, guess you can say girl is doing big things.

Well- I feel like I am. Adam always held me back in pursuing in my dreams, which were modeling but I never got close with him.

Always had to work 2-3 jobs just to provide but once I left, I got back on my feet and look where I'm at. Working at a modeling agency. A win is a win.

I'm going all of this for my baby girl. It's a amazing paying job 80 dollars a hour. I work from 9-5 every week. It's good money. Pays the bills I'm not complaining.

I packed up all my things and cleaned up my desk before standing up. I pushed in my chair as I held onto my purse.

I said my goodbyes to everyone before exiting out the building. Some of the girls are currently in Spain doing some modeling gigs for high end brands.

I'm proud of some of them, I watched them grow. Modeling wise.

I unlocked my Mercedes and hopped in before driving off to get bug.


I walked into the daycare with a smile displayed. "For Eden." I softly said and they gave a smile in return before getting Eden.

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