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Ciara Williams

Few weeks later

As I walked in I was stopped by Adrian the head of the modeling agency. It's rare to see him on floor, he's never here.

"Urgent. Ciara. I need you to book a meeting with a male named Zane. He's very important and he means business." Adrian stated as I sipped on my coffee.

I nodded and placed my coffee down so I could place everything in my notes on my phone so I wouldn't forget. "Okay and what's the big deal about him?" I asked in curiosity and Adrian's jaw hung low.

"Uh babes. Are you living under the rock? Everyone knows him around New York. He's popular, famous in fact. He's hard core, means business. He's handsome- girl he's alot of things. Here-" Adrian said as his brain threw out words that his mouth couldn't execute properly.

He showed me a picture of Zane. heterochromia. Special guy. "I've seen him literally a few weeks ago in a grocery store while shopping with my daughter." I said in disbelief and Adrian's eyes went wide.

"You've seen the Zane." He said and I nodded, "he bought my daughter a toy and made a promise to her. We've exchanged some words. I thought he was just a normal man." I asked and Adrian mouth was slightly open from just hearing about this information.

"How does it feel to live my dream?" Adrian joked which he never does. You can tell he's quiet nervous about this meeting.

"Well your meeting him sometime soon right? Speaking of that, what dates and times for the meeting with him?" I asked.

"6:40 am. Tomorrow." Adrian ordered as he wiped off his sweaty palms. He's nervous and anxious over a man who I thought was normal. Turns out 'special guy' is famous and well known around in New York.

"Okay what is he like really known for why is he famous famous?" I asked and Adrian chuckled. "Haven't you seen how gorgeous that man is? His strong defined nose shape that has a slight bump, his plump lips, his eyes which makes him unique, his hair- don't forget the body- girl, you work for me you should know about Zane. He's had his fair share in the modeling industry. You would want him to model for your agency. Gives you a good look. " Adrian said and I smiled.

"I know but I could care aless. Not like that but you know being a single mother all you focus on is your child. You know what I'm going through with Adam. All my attention and stress is going on him and court." I softly said and he nodded his head.

"I understand what you mean. That's good that your focusing on your family. And especially coming into work being the best ever. If you ever need some days off your always welcomed.  Also need you to attend tomorrows meeting just for the documents and just to make sure to have everyone's files on deck." He said and I nodded.

"I'll be there." I said before taking a sip of my coffee.


Next morning

I didn't want bug waking up too early so I dropped her off at my parents yesterday morning so she could have a rest day. She's been going strong for these weeks.

We all need a break some times.

Meeting days you have to keep it classy and sharp. Don't feel like getting to detailed into my outfit so look down below to see my outfit.

This is kind of like everyday wear to me but a little bit more spice

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This is kind of like everyday wear to me but a little bit more spice. Spice was very much so not the word but just imagine it was.

I held everyone's coffee carefully as I approached the meeting room. I looked at my watch 6:35.

I opened the door and closed it behind me without looking up. I placed down the coffee and my papers before looking up to see everyone staring at me.

Unfamiliar faces.

"Thank you Ciara." Adrian thanked me and I gave a nod before looking through my papers to see if I got everyone.

I noticed Adrian leg bouncing anxiously as he waited for Zade to arrive. The seat right next to me. But he would sit at the head of the table so he could face the large projector so he could watch the models walking tapes. Adrian sat on his left I sat on his right.

The door opened revealing 2 guards. Adrian wiped his palms on his pants as Zade came into view.

I quickly snapped my head infront of me which was Adrian who looked happy but so goddamn nervous.

Is it that's serious? I mean damn. Everyone's presence changed once he walked in. He sat down in the empty chair before clearing his throat, "I apologize for the lateness. Slightly held back by traffic." He informed and Adrian quickly nodded making me look down at my paper.

He's a mess.

"Oh no your perfectly fine. Let's get started shall we?" Adrian asked before turning on the projector.


Zane you could tell wasn't impressed by some of the models. Their walks needed work, not tight.

Zane raised his hand slightly making Adrian pause the video, "I've worked for Calvin, polo, playboy- this Adrian. I'm not impressed on what I am seeing. No sharpness." He bluntly said rubbing his hand slightly though his stubble.

Adrian gulped and nodded his head slightly, "show me some real talent reed or I will be getting out this chair." He added making me look over at him.

Guess I was staring to long his eyes locked onto mines making me look away and look at the projector.

"This is Adeline baker. 6'0, North Korean, 110 pounds. Nice sway, could use a tag bit work we've been working on it. Her body is square, not stiff, I mean in all due respect I think she has potential." I opened my mouth finally getting the balls to speak.

Zane eyes snapped to my brown ones as I stayed confident, "everyone has potential. I'm not looking for potential, I'm looking for someone who is mind blowing. Constant, hard worker, my agency is huge. I don't need something that's going to hurt it causing my downfall." Zane stated making me break eye contact and look down.

He closed his files and stood up to his tall height, "get back at me when you do have talent." He stated and went walk out but Adrian stood up.

"I do have talent! I know someone who does. You don't have to but come out to the runway in 2 days. I have a talent no one has ever seen before." Adrian quickly said making me furrow my eyebrows trying to see who he's referring to.

Zane displayed a cold look as he placed on his black sunglasses. He walked out with ease, didn't miss that he's fit.


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