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Zane Marcelo

I woke up to a empty bed making me shoot up and rush out my room. I opened Eden's door to see everything packed up and her not in bed.

I rushed into my boys room to see them not their making me yell out and slam my hands against the wall.

I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed Ciara's number and it went straight to voice mail making me loudly yell out in anger.

I called her again and straught to voice mail. After calling atleast almost a hundred times she finally answered.

"Where are my Kids." I gritted, "I was serious. Pick the drugs. Your not seeing them." She spat. "I'll find you Ciara. You can't fucking do this!" I yelled out over the phone.

"But I can." She softly said in a innocent tone. "I'll fucking find you. You can't take my goddamn kids away from me! I have the right to see them!" I yelled out and she hung up in my face making me toss my phone in anger.


I drove all around New York. Places I would think she would be. Even went to Adrian who I hated dearly.

I've noticed she blocked me on everything. She can't do this too me. I have sons by her she can't take them away!

A notification rung on my phone making me notice a credit card charge to a hotel nearby making me speed the way over there.

I quickly rushed out the car and looked around for Ciara. I rushed inside and her eyes immediately widen. "Oh my- your Zane-"

"Have a brown skin women walked in? 3 kids with her?" I asked frantically and she shook her head in disbelief.

I slammed my hands on the desk but I quickly apologized and rushed back out. She's fucking with me.

Her parents house.

Has to be the only resource.


I parked in the driveway and quickly got out rushing over to the red door. I frantically knocked making someone peek out the window before opening the door.

"Who are you boy?" A older lady said assuming that's Ciara's mother considering they look alike. "Is Ciara here?" I asked frantically and her mother shook her head making me tilt my head.

"She's here isn't she. Where the fuck is she?" I asked and Ciara's mother slapped me, "who do you think you are coming here- on my property with that filthy mouth. Watch your language, I don't care if your grown." She spat making me nod my head, "sorry ma'am. Is she here?" I asked again.

"Even if she was I would have told you. She's not here. Haven't seen her since when she slipped into a coma." Her mother softly said as she looked down slightly spacing out.

I ran my hands through my hair before saying my goodbyes.

"Wait your the man who modeled with Ciara yes?" She asked and I gave a nod. "Oh wow... and is it true Ciara is pregnant?" She asked again and I gave a nod.

"I really have to go but send a text to my twitter or whatever platform you use and we can continue this talk some other time?" I rushed and she nodded.

I quickly rushed to the car before speeding out.



I quickly knocked on her door and after 2 minutes it opened slightly. Sherie peeked her head out the door.

I know that smell from anywhere.

I opened the door and rushed inside the town house. I ran up the stairs as she yelled for me to come back down.

She repeatedly said she wasn't here but she was. I know her coconut hint of vanilla
scent by heart.

I opened the door to see Ciara pacing around the room meanwhile all 3 kids are asleep. Well 4 including sheries daughter.

I lowered my eyes and grabbed her hand. "Zane get your hands off of me." She gritted as I tightly held onto her as I walked down the stairs.

I forced her out the door and closed the door shut. "You think taking away my kids is a good idea? Those are my kids aswell!" I spat and she scoffed.

"I don't care if their your kids! You picked gang life and I left. I don't have time for that Zane! I don't give a fuck if your rich and for damn sure I don't need a man. Get your shit together!" She yelled out in face.

I scoffed and she arched her eyebrow, "scoffing? What, you know I'm telling the truth. I left your dumbass didn't I? Twice. I didn't need you and I never will-"

I grabbed her jaw instantly shutting her up, "don't let that come out your mouth again." I gritted and she rolled her eyes.

I sighed and let go of her. "I want my kids Ciara. It's not fair." I croaked. "I'm not choosing drugs over familia Ciara. You just don't understand that if I don't do this I don't get my papas money. The money he's been working for all this time. I love my kids and I love you but I need to do this for my family. Even if it cost us- our relationship." I softly croaked as I started down at her.

She looked away, "you can see your kids on the weekends but me and you are done." She croaked looking away at me making me shake my head.

"No. I won't allow it. You left me around this time once I'm not letting it happen again dammit. All I want is a familia, do family shit-" she cut me off.

"You have a family! 3 kids and a girlfriend but I don't want you involved in that mafia. I don't want to get a phone call that you've got shot or died! My heart isn't strong enough for that dammit!" She finally confessed sobbing out.

I held onto her tightly as she sobbed in my chest. "I wouldn't be able to take it Zane." She repeated making me shush her.

"No one is dying Ciara. I just need to take over it and get my papas money and then done. I can't let Eden or- or have a split Christmas. I can't. I want us- or family to be together on that day. Please. That's all what I'm begging for." I got on my knees and held onto her waist.

She looked down at me before looking away. Her teary eyes locked onto mine before she took a sigh.

"You have one more chance Zane. And if you blow this again im not taking you back." She wiped her tears making me stand up and pick her up spinning her around.

"You do this stunt again c, that's your ass. My worst nightmare is what you did. I love you 4 with all my heart and you know that but i also got to do stuff for my papa." I whispered in her ear before placing her down.

"I apologize Zane but after all I've been through I'm like done. Done with relationships in general. It was only going to be me and my kids Zane. But I love you so much I keep taking you back. Your everything to me. My real family. And it's hard leaving." She softly said making me cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"Let's get you all home."


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