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Ciara Williams

I spent the few days with bug. Called off of work for 2 days just to be with Eden. Spoil her and do girly girl things with her.

Which includes, face mask, mall shopping, doing makeup- everything you could think of.

I dropped bug off at daycare today. She needs it and surprisingly she was excited about going.

I walked in the building and immediately was bombarded by Adrian. He held onto my shoulders and spinned me around making me giggle out.

"What?" I asked happily and he had a huge smile on his face. He digged in the black folder and handed the paper work to me.

I read it and my eyes slowly widen from the information, "he wants to sign you!" Adrian exclaimed making me slip out a gasp.

"Me? I can't- this was a one time thing!" I said putting down the paper. Adrian sighed, "you've got signed to be a model for ZANE. ZANE MARCELO."

"I know it's just-" I took a sigh, "full time model? You know I can't do that. I have a daughter to take care of. I can see if I had a partner but it's just me." I softly said and Adrian took a sigh.

"I understand... just let me know if you change your mind." He softly said before patting my shoulder.

"Mommy, can I pretty please get a burger and fries?" Bug asked making me smile, "are you going to eat it all?" I asked and she hummed before shrugging.

"You'll stick with tenders and fries." I said and she groaned, "okay, but can you add a mac and cheese?" She gave me the puppy eyes making me smile.

She's just like me, love to eat.

"Fine only because I love you." I softly said and she giggled as the waiter came over. "What can I get you both?" The waiter asked, "for her can she have apple juice, tenders and fries, with a side of Mac. For me I'll take a steak- well done with a side of rusted potatoes." I smiled at the waiter and he nodded before smiling.

"Anything else?" He asked and I shook my head no and gave both our menus up. He walked away and handed my phone over towards Eden so she can watch a episode of whatever she likes watching on YouTube until the food comes out.

Something told me to look to my right seeing Zane staring right at me as people snapped pictures of him.

People constantly approached him asking for pictures but I quickly looked the other way. "Hey mommy it's special guy!" Eden stated before rushing out the booth and rushing towards him.

I rushed after her but she already made it to his table that carried I'm assuming his friend who I also saw at the runway.

"Hi special!" Eden gave a smile and Zane quickly gave a small smirk. He nodded as Eden held out her hand for a high five.

He gently high fived her, "you didn't keep my promise." Zane announced to Eden and she smiled and shrugged.

"Oh well." She giggled out making this the perfect moment to get away, "sorry about this. Eden come on." I apologized and nodded to Zane.

As I went to go away he gently grabbed my wrist making me freeze as people started to crowed over asking for pictures.

I looked over at Zane's way and arched my eyebrow, "think about the offer. Actually- I'll like if we could talk about it?" He said sliding his hand away and digging in his suit pocket.

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