The wedding + honeymoon

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Zane Marcelo

1 year later

The wedding was small but large. Very expensive. We've planned this wedding for months and Ciara got her dream wedding, dream dress, dream life.

I've never seen someone so beautiful walking down the aisle. I cried like a baby infront of 400 people. She was so perfect.

Not to mention Eden being the flower girl. She did so well... I was proud of my little pumpkin.

The boys are 1 year and 6 months. They both are replicas of me. Already spoiled by Ciara. And Eden is so spoiled by me.

Eden gets whatever she asks for. One time she requested a lot of stuff and I bought everything. Ciara was shocked once she seen all the packages on the front porch.

Wobble played as everyone gathered around and let's just say me and Ciara went a overboard but it was our wedding so we showed out.

The kids went back with my parents. Ciara didn't invite her family but I requested that she did but she refused.

I slipped off her heels as she had a big smile on her face clearly drunk. She wiggled her toes once they were free from her heels.

"Help." She slurred as she stood up but I was completely baked. Took way to many edibles. I laughed out randomly from it looking like Ciara was tipping over.

I heard a loud thud and a groan making me look at Ciara on the ground. I held in my laugh as she side eyed me before bursting out in tears and laughter making me laugh.

This is what happens when you get her drunk and me high. Our brains don't work together.

Next morning

"Zane." She shook me out my sleep making me groan. She sat on top of me as I opened one eye to see her smiling down at me.

"Aren't you hungover? Your so happy. That's a first." I laughed and sat up. She quickly flashed me with her tits before showing me her wedding ring. That definitely woke me up.

I smiled as I held her by her waist, "I'm a Marcelo." She happily said before quickly getting off my lap and rushing to the bathroom.

I followed after her and quickly held onto her straight hair. She had brown/blonde highlights that complimented her brown skin. I loved it. But I love it even more when she wears her beautiful Afro out. Even though Ciara does slap my hands when I try to touch it but she lets the kids touch it.

I ran my finger tips through her scalp as she threw up. She finally wiped her mouth as looked up at me with teary eyes making me kiss her forehead.

"I'll go get you some medicine." I softly said letting go of her hair and tucking it to one side. As she brushed her teeth I rummaged for some ibuprofen. Hell Tylenol anything.

I haven't been to this house in 5years so I don't expect anything to be here. This house= my France house.

"Bad news baby. No medicine." I said closing the cabinets and she groaned. I looked over at her to see her clearly annoyed by it but she tried to mask it. She wanted to be happy.

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