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Ciara Williams

"Your honor, Adam does not deserve to have half custody of my daughter. Where was he durning my birth? Where was he when she took her first steps? Her first word? Who knows. You've seen the pictures your honor, he's my absurd. Why would I want my baby girl with him. He beat me while I pregnant with her." I strongly said as I looked the judge straight into her eyes.

"Your honor, I'll like to say something. She's delusional. I abused her? Nonsense! She wouldn't let me see our child- she wouldnt tell me when she was or what hospital. She wouldn't tell me where she lived so I couldn't see our baby girl." He spat back making me heart slightly squeeze tightly making my breath shorten from his lies.

How evil could you be to lie about such things. Pure evil.

"Nonsense. I have proof and videos of you going ballistic! Hitting things, creating holes in the walls, throwing glass bottles at me. I won't let you get her." I croaked finally causing the judge step in.

"Mr. Lengi, I'm afraid you will not be getting custody of her. The pictures, videos shows enough proof I need. There was also a video came from a anonymous person showing you slapping her recently. Cased dismissed." The judge said making me lower my head and quietly sob out from winning.

This has been the most stressful month. My hair was pulled back by a force making me look to see Adam holding me by my hair making me whence and try to fight him off but a sharp object went to my throat slightly making me sob out.

He showed all the guards that were approaching. "Move closer and I swear I'll slit her throat." He gritted making me sob harder.

"Ad-Adam." I croaked and he digged slightly deeper making me cry out. "Let me have custody of Eden and I'll let her go." He gritted and I pleaded with the judge with my eyes and shook my head.

Adam grunted before falling to the floor making me quickly move away to see a police officer holding his gun.

He knocked him out with the bottom of his gun. I sobbed and crawled back away from him closer to the judge as I wheeped.

The judge quickly comforted me and held me as I sobbed out, "I knew all along Ciara. He was the abuse I knew." She whispered and rocked me as I held onto her.


"Hey mommy, why are there slight dry tears on your face?" Eden asked as we walked to the ice cream place.

It always cheered me up seeing Eden dump mutiple toppings on her ice cream and then complain how nasty it is.

"Oh, these aren't tears." I smiled and she pouted making me pick her up. "Bug I promise." I gave a big smile before ticking her stomach making her squeal and laugh out.

I kissed her cheek as he walked in the ice cream place making her jump out my hold and grab for the biggest cup.

I watched as she filled her cup with vanilla ice cream as a base and then gummy bears, m&m- I mean it's not my cup of tea but kids are going to be kids and try out EVERYTHING.

Even if it taste horrid. And still act like it's good.

As Eden was filling her cup up I heard people gasp and immediately ask for pictures making me instantly know who was here.


He politely took a few pictures with people but then politely declined some as he walked in the shop.

I turned my head towards his making me slowly look him up and down. Him in a all black suit, a black Burberry belt, the gold chain peaking slightly, his slick back- honestly I didn't care if he saw I was checking him out.

I looked away as Eden talked to herself as he approached us, "Eden." His deep voice spoke making her gasp and look over at Zane.

"Special!" She smiled and high fived him, "seems like your adding everything." He gave a small smirk that I didn't fair to miss as he looked into Eden's bowl.

"Yup, taste yucky but sometimes it's good." She stated before putting Oreos in it making me shake my head.

He removed his glasses and tucked them in his pocket. His brown and blue eyes locked onto my brown ones, "how are you holding up?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Heard about what happened in the court room." He softly said and I shook my head and pointed to Eden.

"I'm fine." I replied once Eden finished. "Come on, let's pay and we can walk while you eat." I smiled to Eden before walking over to register.

As I went to pay and hand over the money Zane pulled out his wallet but I stopped him, "I don't need your kind gesture okay. I appreciate it but I'm good." I smiled and handed over my money.

He looked down before tucking his wallet bsck into his pocket, "why won't you take the gesture? Someone is off-" he started to say but I walked off with Eden.

Some might hate me for this but I don't care. It's just been me and Eden for 5 years.

He gently took my wrist but I yanked it away and turned around to face him, "I didn't take the gesture because I don't want to. I don't give a damn if your famous or-or rich. I don't care if your modeling business is successful. My family comes first, it's been me and her for 5 years going strong. I don't need you to pay her expenses, I've been through enough and everytime a male comes running in my life it ruins it even more." I finally broke making Eden pout and look down.

"Eden mommy is sorry for saying bad words. I'll make it to you tonight okay baby." I whispered in her ear and she nodded before I picked her up and walked away from Zade who was soon to be approached by paparazzi.

I won't be surprised if I was in the papers talking to him.


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