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Zane Marcelo

4 in a half month later

I opened Eden's hospital door making her sit up with a small smile as she held onto her pink fluffy blanket.

"Hi Eden." I softly said as I held the cupcakes. "Hi special." She whispered and I gave a small smile before sitting besides her.

Ciara still hasn't woke up but she's a fighter, she's going to come out of it. Eden knows her mother isn't okay, she wasn't eating at first, in terrible pain, crying everyday but I was here every single day.

Morning to night checking up on both of them.

They were all over the news and papers, adams death was never mentioned because Tony cleaned up everything for me.

I handed her the chocolate cupcake and she quickly took it down. She's so strong. "We can go see your mama after your done okay?" I softly said and she nodded her head.

"Hey special?" She asked and I tilted my head, "do you promise that my mommy is going to be okay?" She asked as she held back her tears.

"She's strong. She's in here." I whispered and pointed to her heart before hugging her. "And do you promise that if my mommy doesn't make it that you take care after me? I don't want to be with my papa." She whispered and I gently pulled away.

I held out my pinky, "I pinky promise Eden." I whispered and she clinged her small pinky finger onto my large one.


"Mommy." Eden whispered as I looked down at Ciara with all the tubes in her. Her head and forehead covered in white wrap. They said she suffered from head trauma. Sending her straight out.

Eden whimpered before hugging my leg making me gently pick her up. She sobbed in my neck making me shush her.

"I know Eden." I whispered and gently rocked her, "I want my mommy back!" She cried making me look down can't face Ciara. If I do I'll lose it.

"I know, I know." I whispered and walked her out the room. She needs a nap. I walked in her room and gently placed her in bed tucking her in.

I grabbed her pig stuffy and handed it to her. She immediately held onto it and squeezed it revealing Ciara's laugh that I got just for her.

"Are you a strong girl?" I asked and she nodded her head as her cries died down, "keep being strong for your mommy." I whispered and she nodded as she gave a yawn.

She slowly closed her eyes as she sniffled making me quietly walk out. I gently closed her door and walked over to Ciara's room.

I opened it and gently closed it. I approached her and looked down at her before closing my eyes.

Why are you acting like this if you've barely know eachother? Because, once she modeled with me- I felt a connection instantly. A good feeling. It feels like we've known eachother for the longest.

I took her hand and gently squeezed it, "come on Ciara. Wake up. Wake up for Eden." I whispered in her ear hoping she could hear me.

As I went to pull away she softly moved her fingers making me freeze. "Ciara. Squeeze my hand. Do something- more motion." I quickly said and her grip was loose but she tried her hardest to squeeze.

I chuckled and squeezed her hand gently before pulling away to get a doctor. We rushed back in to see her slightly moving around reaching for the tubes in her mouth.

I quickly took her hand as the doctor took her other one, "Ciara. I'm your doctor. Hold on."


She slowly opened her brown eyes that I've- can't believe I'm saying this but missed looking into.

"Where's Eden. Where's my baby girl." She rasped before looking around slowly but winced.

"I can't feel my legs or feet." She added and I shook my head, "you have to get used to the feeling. You've been laying down for so long Ciara." I softly said as her eyes verted to mine.

"Where's Eden!" She grew louder before reaching for her tubes but I stopped her, "she's sleeping. She's okay Ciara. She's okay." I whispered and she sighed deeply.

"What happened." She groaned, "you got into a horrible wreck. Eden broke a couple of ribs but she's doing perfect, eating cupcakes, like the same ole Eden but you've been out for 4 in a half months." I confessed and she whimpered.

"My family?" She asked and I shrugged before looking down, "they've wanted to pull the plug. I forced them not too because I believe in you." I softly said and she sobbed out.

"Who's been taking care of Eden?" She asked and I pointed to myself. "Me. Everyday since the accident I've been here morning to night and repeat." I softly said wanting to wipe the tears off her face.

She sobbed making me gently grab her hand and gently squeeze it, "you suffered from head trauma. Bleeding in the brain, you went under 3 surgeries, had to shave off the side of your hair, they tried to give you a trachea but I declined." I whispered and she squeezed my hand lightly before looking down.

"Why did you stay?" She sobbed and I took a deep exhale out, "because Ciara. I know we barely know eachother but we modeled together and when we did I felt some type of way. I felt a connection. You, Eden, me, I couldn't leave you both without anyone because I would want somebody by my side." I confessed as I looked into her brown eyes.

"Thank you Zane. Really just for being here and taking care of my baby unlike my own blood." She whispered and I nodded.


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