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"What!" jungkook starting caressing seokjin's hand while jin holding jungkook's arm..
They were walking in the beach side....
When jin saw taehyung and jimin were walking holding there hands,jin copied it.and the credit goes to jimin.actually he was the one who taught jin to copy them..

"Want...Ice-cream! "

"If i find any ice cream cart,i will buy one for you..okay!"

Jin smiled looking at his husband and put his head on jungkook's shoulder...

Jungkook was smiling thinking about something...

"Jineee....listen....i will buy you ice cream but we will share it okay?"

"Not want to share my ice cream! "

"But your kookeee has no money "

"No money??" jin looked at jungkook with his cut expression... Jungkook was feeling like he was going to eat his husband's cuteness.


"Why?but i want ice cream! "

"Okay let me ask from taehyung hyung okay?"

They could see vmin couple was spending their sweet moments..

Jungkook was acting like he was going to taehyung's direction..

"No....tae bad!" jin screamed and held jungkook's wrist not letting him go...

"Don't want ice cream? "Jungkook asked to jin.he was surprised.

" No...if kookeee doesn't have money, i don't want it!"jin was saying with his cracking voice...

Jungkook hugged jin...

"Hey,don't cry....i will buy it...and you don't Have to share it with me...happy??"


Jungkook saw a ice cream cart few meters away from there...

"See...ice cream cart...lets go!" jungkook took jin's hand and they were almost ran towards there..

Jungkook bought cone ice cream..jin was looking at the Ice-cream expecting jungkook to give him...but jungkook smirked as suddenly one idea poking on his mind...he took the ice cream close to his lip and peaked on the top of it...

"Kookeee said i don't have to share it " jin's eyes almost teared up...

"Jineee baby...kookeee was kissing the Ice-cream! "

"Kissing the ice cream?? "

"Hmm...now you also kiss the Ice-cream and then you have to kiss me also..who knows today you find my lip's sweet right??"
Jk gave the Ice-cream to jin...

Jin took a bite from ice cream and jungkook looked at jin's plump lips hungrily...

"My lips are waiting jineeee...!"
Hearing jungkook, jin looked at him and nodded his head repeatedly. He went closed to jungkook... Jungkook closed his eyes sticked out his lip....jungkook became more desperate than jin....

Before jin could peak jungkook's lips..jungkook got a pushed from behind... Jungkook losed his balanced and fall on jin letting both of them falling on sand..

"What the....!" jungkook speaked out irritatedly...

"Ouch.....kookeeee heavy!"hearing jin's voice..jungkook got up immediately and helped jin to got up also...

"Someone pushed us ....is it fan??fuck"
Jungkook said ..


"Shhh...jineee don't say that..it's bad word"

"But kookeee said at first !kookeee what does fuck means?"

Jungkook moved his head side to side then looked around if someone heard them or not...it would be embarrassing if someone heard them..

"I will explain every details of it after reaching to our hotel room..Happy?"


Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now