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_"Wait..."jimin stood infront of jungkook blocking his way


_"What is this jungkook?"

_"step away...I have to go to my room"

_"you didn't get it right?why did you spike his drinks?"

_"whom"jungkook asked raising his eye brows

_"Don't act like you Don't have any idea!!!"
Jimin felt irritated on jungkook's reaction

_"I am really not getting anything"

Jimin removed the photos from his pockets and showed it to jungkook.

_"What is this?"

_"Are you blind?it's me and hyung "

_"I can see it. ..what are you trying to prove by taking this pictures when he wasn't in his sense!!!"

_"can you tell me your IQ score?"

_"enough jungkook "jimin shouted at jungkook

_"I didn't want this photos to be leaked this early....how did you find it?is it understandable that hyung is not in his sense in those photos?"

_"What are you trying to prove by kissing him???"

_"can't you see hyung loves me....I will snatch my hyung from you!"

Jimin could not tolerate it...tears started to flow....

Jungkook got near jimin...so close that jungkook breath was falling on jimin's lips...

_"Why are you doing this jungkook "jimin looking at jungkook with tear staining face...

_"Why did you break up with me jimin?why did you choose my hyung breaking up with me!!why did you cheat on me jimin??wasn't my love enough for you???or only money matters to you.....that's why you did choose the older brother rejecting the younger one!"

_"Jungkook please forget the past......you are married now and I am your brother in law"

_"really?your eyes telling another things I can see the love in your eyes...for me!"

Jimin dropped his eyes looking at the floor....his hands were practically trembling during saying the next sentence....

_"I don't love you jungkook "

Jungkook became angry hearing that and pushed jimin harshly and took few steps back

"Stop your acting jimin....I am also tired of these acting.....I don't love your insane brother.... and why are you sacrificing yourself just for seokjin!!!"

Jungkook started crying and let his knees touch on the floor....


Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now