Chapter 13-- I Couldn't Think of a Good Chapter Name But Whatever!

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Abi hopped off the motorcycle. "That was so much fun!" she yelled to no one in particular.

They had driven west (away from Jimville) into Nebraska, and were currently parked outside a motel. It was night now, and cold and dark outside.

Then Ace slowed to a stop next to where Noah had parked. Shakira felt dizzy, swaying as she attempted to get off the bike. But really she just fell off. And then she didn't get up, she just kind of laid there.

Then Hillbilly rolled in. Without Dante on the back of his bike.

"Um, Billy?" Noah asked. (He was a hillbilly named Billy?)

"Wassup, Noah?"

"Where did you leave my friend?" Abi asked, just as confused as Noah.

Billy facepalmed. "Oh crap, I knew I forgot something!"

Ace chuckled. "You're so bloody stupid, mate."

Shakira mumbled something on the ground next to him.

Hillbilly glanced at her. "What's up with blondie?"

Rolling his eyes, Ace nudged Shakira with the toe of his boot. "Somebody's got a bit of a weak stomach."

"I'll cut you, Brit," Shakira threatened, face still in the concrete. "And somebody should go back and find Dante before Rosenpinis does."

"Wait, what?" This was Noah. "Rosen... HUH?"

Abi quickly retold the story the way she'd heard it, as Shakira was still nauseous and partially-dead (not really though. Like I've said, Shakira had a flair for the dramatic).

By the end of the story, all three biker boys were staring at her like she was a madwoman. "So... yeah," Abi said. "That's kind of the situation we're stuck in right now."

"Wow," said Hillbilly Billy. Then, he looked at Noah and Ace. "Can we help them? Please! I've always wanted to stop a supervillain with a slightly inappropriate name!!"

"Um, let's think about it..." said Noah at the same time as Ace said, "Absolutely not."

Noah glanced at Ace before saying. "Billy, we'll talk about it later. First, let's track down... Is it Dante? Is that her name?"

"Yes," Abi declared.

"For a girl?"

"Her parents are interesting people."

"Oh. Okay." Then he turned back to Hillbilly and Ace. "Since it's dark, we'll all go try to find her. More sets of eyes that way."

Abi walked over to Shakira. "You want us to come, too?"

"NO," Shakira announced.

"C'mon, Shakira," Abi begged. "The faster we find her the faster we can go home."

"Nope. You're going to physically have to force me on that bike to get me to go again." Shakira's voice was jumbled through her, y'know, still speaking through concrete.

Ace reached down and attempted lifting her, but as soon as he got her upright, her phone began to ring in her sweatshirt pocket. She halfheartedly pulled it out and answered, still attempting to lie back on the cold concrete as Ace tried to force her on the bike.

"Hello," she grumbled. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide and she pushed Ace away. "Everybody shut up," she hissed as she listened intently.

Noah mouthed the words 'Who is it?' to Abi, who shrugged.

Shakira chewed her cheek. "You know what, asshat? We'll be there. Alone." She slammed on the END CALL button.

Abi ran over to her. "What is it?"

"That was Rosenpinis on Dante's phone. He said he had an ultimatum. We turn ourselves in since we're the brains of this operation, or Dante dies." She immediately looked back at her phone.

Abi gasped. "So what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking..." Shakira played around on her phone some more, before grinning and showing everyone the screen. "That it was pretty dumb for Dante to leave her location on on Snap."

There, on the screen, revealed Dante's cute little brunette Bitmoji in a car not too far from the motel they were all currently at.

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