Chapter 3

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Jay threw himself inside the school washroom locking the door so that no one could enter. He rested his back on the door trying to even his breath. His whole body was on fire, he could feel the warmth leaving his body. His heart was racing and his head was dizzy.

The beta never felt like this his entire life. He was confused and scared at the same time. He was sweating, reaching onto his pockets he took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead. That was when a sweet and subtle smell reached his nose. He looked around trying to figure where it was coming from but then ultimately realised it was coming from his own body. Jay never had this scent neither he smelt it before, it was confusing and scary for how the scent was addicting and made his blood rush faster as if he was ran a marathon. He sprinted to the sink washing his hands and splashing some water onto his face, neck and hair trying to get rid of the scent.

After a few minutes of trying it was gone to an extent and Jay could finally breathe properly. He sat down in the corner trying to recollect everything that happened a while ago. The moment Sunoo got closed to him, something tingling came across his body making it hard for him to even stand. It was a relief that Jay ran away from there as soon as possible or the Beta might be losing his mind in front of two strangers. He finally stood up preparing to leave when his phone buzzed. It was Heeseung.

" What?"

" Jay, it's Jake. Did you talk to Sunoo?"

The Beta stayed silent not knowing what to say. He was in a state where he could strangle Jake to death, so he said nothing.

" You didn't?" Jake whined on the call making Jay frown more.

" I met him. But he refused to give me his number. That's it. I am not helping you anymore. He's in class xx go and talk to him yourself. I don't care if you submit your assignments on time or not. I am going home."

" Jay-"

The Beta ended the call and walked out of the washroom. He went to his class, picking up his backpack and went straight to his car. Hopping onto his car, he started the engine and few of the Omegas came over to him asking for a lift in every manner.

Jay glared at them trying his best to stay calm when one of the Omega blurted out.

" Don't give us that attitude. Don't forget you're a Beta Park Jay. Don't try to be all Alpha just because your dad's an Alpha."

Jay halted his movements. He felt a sting inside him from the words. Jay couldn't deny it, no matter what he did. He was still a Beta. Nothing could change it. He drove away from the ladies quietly while his mind was shouting at him for not being able to stand up for himself. He was indeed a Beta after all, he thought to himself.

While driving he thought of his family, his father, A perfect role model for everyone. Jay remembered how he was so excited to grow up one day and become an strong and reliable Alpha like his own dad. He also remembered the way he cried and felt hopeless when he found out he was just a mere Beta. He was only 7 that time. Sometimes, he pitied himself for not being able to have a life he always dreamed of and felt bad for his parents. They told him they love him no matter what but the Beta knew it was because of him. They wanted an Alpha but because of him they were forced to love someone irrelevant for their hierarchy.

Jay wanted to prove to everyone that he can be an exception. Like how his mother use to tell him. He worked hard to get where he was now. He wanted to excell in everything and gave his all. He was desparate to prove to the world his worth. How he was different from the world and how he could make a huge difference but for now it all sounded like a fairytale as he was still a mere Beta, nothing more.

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