Chapter 7

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Sunoo screamed at Jay who was silently watching him like the rest of the people in the cafeteria.

The Omega squinted his eyes glaring and waiting for the Beta to say something but Jay was still, like water. Like a bomb, afraid that he'll burst any second he moves any part of his body. He was like a rock.

" Hey!"

Sunoo said trying to get the Beta out of his trans when the sudden electricity ran through his body leaving him to gasp. It was ticklish at first but slowly began to make him dizzy, he couldn't stand straight. Even then, he didn't want it to stop. He wanted the feeling to tear him down, get inside him and consume every inch of his body. It was like a drug, Sunoo was about to lose his balance his eyes trembling and his breath getting heavier when the tingling sensation over his cold and pale skin suddenly stopped.

Sunoo blinked twice before he heard the Beta mumble something and sprinting out of the cafeteria.

" I...I am sorry."

Sunoo was left stranded with his questions unanswered, filled with new questions, watching the back of the Beta slowly disappear. Jake ran towards the Omega grabbing onto his shoulders while Sunghoon kept calling Jay who was long gone now.

" What. was. that?..."

Jake eyed Sunoo and the poor Omega shook his head trying to even his breath not knowing what he'd done as well.

" I don't know... What the hell!"

Sunoo screamed at the already gone Beta as he ran his hand through his hair, utterly annoyed. Sunoo was furious and confused. He wanted answers, he wasn't going to let some jerk scent him and escape that easily.

The Omega ran towards the exit as his eyes looked around trying to find the Beta. Sunoo smirked when he finally caught Jay sneaking inside the changing room as he ran towards the changing room himself. Jake was shouting at the back but all the Omega could hear was the crowd around him.


James was late for work but he couldn't help it. He had been waiting for three hours sitting on the hard bottom chair in the doctor's office for the results. The truth that'll decide whether his beloved son would rule or be ruled by the dominants.

The world always seemed stupid to James. Well, not untill he met Love. He came across different perspectives eventually leading him to conclude that everyone was in fact just human. Some are blessed and some cursed yet it was not their job to identify which was a blessing or a curse.

All James Park wanted was to see his son grow beautifully into a mature gentleman without any barriers of dominance upon one another, without the walls of who's at the top of the cycle and at the bottom.

Sadly, the more he tried to learn and teach his son and protect him, the more he grew apart from him. Everything he did was at some point in vain. He knew his son envied his being and how pathetic the poor Beta might feel but as time went by he couldn't get a hold of the situation let alone be dealing with it. The very thing he had hoped to save his son from - the whole Alpha supremacy - got James with it's claws so deeply that he couldn't help but come back to the hell.

Even so, he worked hard trying to be the best so that no one would point a finger to his Beta wife and son. That is why, James was desparate for the results. If Jay turns out be an Alpha, all their problems would be solved and their family would once again be alive and his son would never have to experience everything like her mother did.

James was being selfish. He knew that. He had his plans to change the world but after everything, he just wanted to see his family happy. See his wife not being worried sick for once and not cry every night in the bathtub and most importantly watching his son being accepted and respected by others, was all he needed even if it meant to him being selfish.

That's life, there are predators. One cannot be all kind and selfless. One must be selfish in order to get what they truly want even if it meant hurting others. That was what James had always kept in mind but he was more worried about the results that could come anytime carried around by the door behind him.

" Mr. Park."

James turned around and saw the doctor standing at the doorway while he held a file closed to his chest.

" Yes. Good morning. I am here for the results."

James told and the doctor quietly nodded making his way to his seat and James followed. They sat across each other and James patiently waited for the doctor to settle down but he was dying inside.

" Well, Park Jay it is, i believe."

" Yes. It is right." James answered with trembling lips.

" Mr. Park, I am not sure..."

James raised his eyebrow confused by the doctor's words.

" I mean, it's hard to put it into simple words. Your son, he's still a Beta but the slow changes he's showing is leading him to ultimately being an Alpha."

" Isn't that positive then? He might be an Alpha soon, like the late ones?"

" I am not quite sure about that Mr. Park, it's as if his body is molding itself into an Alpha even though he is supposed to be a Beta. I can't confirm anything right now, we would have to run more tests and it also might be dangerous for him as well. We don't know anything yet and bet your son doesn't as well."

James covered his mouth with his fists not knowing what to say. He stayed in that position for a minute before finally talking. He looked shattered.

" Then, what am i suppose to do?"

" Since we aren't sure yet. Let him stay away from Alphas and Omegas in general, especially Omegas. He is still going through a hormonal changes, if he encounters an Omega it may worsen."

" Alright. Thank you doctor."

James bowed respectfully leaving the office. As he walked towards his car, he couldn't stop but remembering the doctor's words.

" If he encounters an Omega it may worsen."

His mind kept going back to the time he sensed someone else's perhaps an Omega, scent on his son. The Alpha drowned deep in his thoughts while his car was parked not a sound of the engine starting. He realised he was going to be late more than ever.

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