Chapter 8

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Jay ran towards the changing room where no one was at the time. He undressed as quickly as possible and hopped into the shower soaking himself in cold water. His body was burning and the cold water felt warm against his skin.

Jay was able to sense pheromones. This time it was not peaches, it smelled like firewood, cherries and honey. It was as if there was Cherries and honey cooking over the firewoods. It felt personal to the Beta, somehow the hint of the firewood reminded him of his father. As he was a pure breed, whenever he was stressed or protective of him and his mother, the scent of the firewood would fill the entire house and both the Betas could sense it.

Jay's mother felt sick a few times because of the scent but for Jay it was nothing. It was actually a way for him to understand his father's feelings better as a kid, since he never spoke to his father openly. The pheromones he released was something Jay longed for because it helped him understand if his father was happy, sad or furious, about something. Without knowing the little Beta was able to sense and tackle pheromones of the pure breeds which the other Betas seemed to have none.

But for now it didn't make any sense at all. All he understood was that he totally lost control in front of the Omega and now he wanted answers.

Jay didn't know himself let alone explain it to someone else. He tried to rinse off the scent from his body when he heard the main entrance of the changing room open with a loud bang.

The Beta was inside one of the shower stalls but he could still hear the footsteps slowly approaching him.


Sunoo came inside the empty room as he looked around for the certain Beta. His eyes locked on the last shower stall, the sound of the water crashing on the floor and the clothes that the Beta wore lying dead on the benches confirmed it all.

However, the one thing that made the Omega certain that the Beta must be here because the entire room was filled with his faint pheromones still overpowering every other pheromones present inside the room. Firewood, cherries and honey all mixed together creating a pool of pheromones that any Omega would kill for.

Sunoo, as well, felt his lips quiver and his legs shaking but he was able to hold it at an extent. Since he was a pure breed Omega, the Alpha pheromones didn't effect him much when he didn't want to have them around him. Still, there was something about this Beta.

As Sunoo got closer to the stall he felt like passing out. The pheromones got stronger as he got closer sending tingles to every inch of his body, inside out. It was as if he was drowning in the Beta's unbelievably strong Alpha pheromones. He was weak. Sunoo wasn't sure anymore. He wasn't sure if he wanted to scold the Beta or wanted him to rip him apart.

Sunoo growled unable to hold back anymore. He just quickly wanted it to be get done. One smack in the Beta's head and he was leaving right after. He couldn't bare to stand any second more after that. He was afraid that his inner Omega would be awaken and he'll just lunge onto the Beta.

" Get out of the shower now!"

Sunoo ordered his breath was heavier than usual. It sounded exhausted.

The door of the stall opened and the Beta came out, half naked, only the towel covering him down the mascular and snatched body of the Beta. As soon as Jay stepped out, a huge wave of pheromones crashed on the Omega and he was down.

He fell down on his knees, his legs were trembling and his stomach was hurting. Everything inside him was about to explode, he felt like throwing up.

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