By belle-of-the-ball-xo and RavenclawMaven1198
*Belle's POV
Adam and I have not been able to leave each other's side, in fear of losing one another. The parachutes are coming at least once every couple days. This must be a big hit in the Capitol.
The star-crossed lovers, I think to myself.
Adam's hand slides into mine. "You gather the berries, and I'll hunt." He says.
"What's new?" He chuckles.
We try to scrounge up enough for two of us, and when we come together, we have plenty of food to last us a while. We have a good system.
We haven't seen any tributes, Capitol threats, or anything that could be potentially dangerous or life threatening. I think it's because we are Capitol favorites. More parachutes have been floating in lately, with some of the most recent deaths which were caused by something Adam and I were still trying to figure out. How could so many tributes die in a time span of thirty minutes?
All is well here. I've never been happier than I am now with Adam, even though there are blood thirsty teenagers out to kill us.
"Belle," I heard the crunching of leaves under feet as I'm picking berries, but I don't panic because I know they are Adam's feet. He's always close by so I never have to worry about other tributes. "We need to talk about something."
My good mood disappeared and I turned around. "Everything has been going great, I don't know what there is to talk about-"
"The end." He said. My eyes filled with tears, I didn't want to talk about this. I've been avoiding this conversation for weeks.
"We're both getting out of here alive." I say strongly, even though I know it's not true. "I'll try as hard as I can-"
"No, Belle, we aren't going against the Capitol with this, because whichever one of us does get out alive will have to face whatever they throw at us."
My lip quivered. I didn't want to die, but I also didn't want him to die. It wasn't fair. This was senseless killing. How could they be so cruel?
"There is an easy answer to this," Adam took a deep breath. "You go home."
"Yes, you have a father that's waiting for you, I have nothing. I've been cursed with a bad life, and you're the only thing that would make it better. If you died on my watch, I wouldn't be able to stand myself."
Tears were streaming down my face now. "You're so much stronger than me, though. Genetically, could live a longer life-"
He smiled. Why was he smiling? "I love it when you talk scientifically to me." He kissed me on the cheek. "You'll be able to live a life that matters. Just promise me, you'll end the games for good. Please." He wiped one of my tears.
I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. I can't break. I have to be strong, for him.
I have to win.
Ariel's POV
The first thing I think of when I open my eyes.
Did he survive it? I heard two cannons on the way down, that could mean they're both dead.
Or I'm dead.
All I can see is white around me, it's like stepping into the arena for the first time all over again. But I know I'm not dead when I feel the cold snow bearing down on me.
"Ariel..." I hear a dry voice say.
I muster all of my strength to push myself up. I see Eric's dark hair sticking out of my snow and rush over to him, pulling him out of the snow.
"Ariel," his face is covered in bad scratches. "Thank god you're alive."
He pushes himself up all of way and I check to make sure he isn't hurt anywhere else. We both have some very bad scratches.
"The food.... Peter." I started scrambling to find him but Eric stops me, pointing a shaky finger to my right.
Peter's lifeless body lay sprawled across the snow, his neck at an odd angle. I cover my mouth to choke back a sob as Eric wraps me in his arms.
I cry for a few minutes. He was so young. But it was better now. I know his death was quick and it would save him the pain from the rest of his games.
He was with Wendy now.
I calm myself down and we search for our packs.
"You don't suppose the sponsors might consider sending us some more food?" Eric sighs as he holds up a soggy roll.
All of the food we find is inedible, our blankets soaked, while the food we haven't found is probably also in this condition.
I manage to scrounge one piece of a roll still intact. "Our hearty feast." I sigh as I break it in half and share with Eric.
He laughs. "Cheers."
I smile. "For Peter." I croak, tapping my bread against his.
"For Peter."
After our "feast" we round up all of the supplies we can recover from the snowy mess, which left us with two backpacks and some canteens filled with soup.
We trekked from the snowy pile to a thicket of trees away from the mountain, where I thought we would be safe. No tributes, no wildlife, serene.
Almost too serene.
Sorry for the long update! Another one will be coming next week. We've been super busy lately!Love
-RavenclawMaven1198 and belle-of-the-ball-xo
Disney Hunger Games
FanfictionWhat happens when your favorite Disney characters are reaped and brought into the Hunger Games? Which Disney character will be able to come out alive? Romance, drama, scandal, will ignite in the arena. Co written by @RavenclawMaven1198 and @belle-of...