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all poems/articles/stories were written by me when i was in 5th or 6th grade XD. my old writing is horrendous!!


2:00 PM

REI is now online

Claire is now online

Sera is now online

Johnera Bread is now online

Johnera Bread: sera look at this

Sera: what

Johnera Bread: Selenium Radium Phosphorus Hydrogen Iodine Sodium

Sera: are you studying for chem or smth...?

Claire: wow i didn't know you had the mental capacity to know all that john

REI: oh it spells seraphina

REI: SeRaPHINa, at least

Sera: oh.

Johnera Bread: how tf do you know

REI: kuyo is a chem major and he forced me to remember all this

Sera: the letter j is not in the periodic table :/

Johnera Bread: yeah that sucks.

Johnera Bread: Rhenium Iodine


REI: wait thats me :D

Claire: gee John, that took you a while

Claire: dumbass

Johnera Bread: bitch please you can't even do that if you tried

Johnera Bread: Carbon Lanthanum Iodine Rhenium

Claire: why dont you just use chlorine for cl

Johnera Bread: for someone as sMaRt as you, i thought you'd figure that there's no element with an abbreviation of just A

Johnera Bread: in order to use chlorine, your name would have to be claire without the letters i and e so i could use argon..

Johnera Bread: happy now??

REI: damn bro 💀

Claire: i-

Sera: that was kinda stupid @ Claire

Claire: i know, that's why i failed chem

Asslo is now online

Asslo: i was reading the notifs and wow, i did not know you remembered all that shit @ Johnera Bread

Johnera Bread: it's what i do best

Sera: cap

REI: you have failing grades

Johnera Bread: i meant remembering irrelevant things

Claire: makes sense since you're so dumb

Asslo: ...

Asslo: Bismuth Technetium Hydrogen, Tungsten Hydrogen Asatine. 

Claire: someone translate that, i don't speak periodic table 🙄

REI: "BiTcH, WHAt"

Claire: oh

Sera: ..

Sera: you're kinda bad at chem fr

Johnera Bread: Iodine Silver Rhenium Europium (without the u)

Asslo: Francium

REI: I AgReE(u)

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