Great Ormand Street

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Today was finally the day! I have been wanting to visit The Great Ormand Street hospital for so long but I haven't had a spare 5 minutes to do so until today. I'm finally home and the first thing I did was to organise this visit, im taking my best friend with me. I know Kal will be a big hit with the children and he always gives the best hugs so I'm hoping to make a few people smile even if only for a few minutes.

I have had my manager send over a huge amount of superman toys, I'm going to sign everyone and hand them out as I walk around. I also had a few Witcher things sent over too as I know there are a few older kids there who watch the show. My manager wanted to have photographers there but I told her no, I didn't want any publicity for this. This is something I want to do for the kids not to promote myself or anything else. I have organised a friend of mine to take personal photos for everyone if they wish to do so.

So I have everything I need, Kal is already so I drive over to the hospital. When I pull up, I grab Kals leash and we head on inside.
"Hello Mr Cavill. I'm Sarah" she sticks her hand out and I shake it.
"Hello Sarah and please call me Henry"
"Of course. And this must be Kal" she bends and lets Kal sniff her before stroking his head.
"If you would both like to follow me, I will show you where we are going to start"
"Great. Kal come"
He stands and walks beside me, following Sarah through the halls, I see lots of nurses and doctors busy with there day.

As we get to her office, she steps inside and we follow.
"Can I just say Henry you have no idea how much this means to these kids. There going through some really rough stuff right now and when they heard you were visiting they were so happy, especially with Kal. They adore that dog"
I can help but laugh "yes he is definitely a big hit"
"He is. So your friend who will be taking the photos arrived a few minutes before you and just wanted to take a look around for lighting etc. so we will be able to grab her before we start"
"Okay. Lead the way"

As we walk out, I see Haley and she smiles over at me.
"Hey Hen"
"Hey Hales. Ready for this?"
"Definitely. I can't wait"
Sarah takes us to the first room, a little boy sits in the hospital bed, he looks so small. He lifts his head and smiles wildly at me.
"Hi Mate, I'm Henry"
"Hey, I'm Owen"
"It's nice to meet you Owen"
"This is my daddy Dan"
I reach over and shake his dads hand "thanks for doing this Mr Cavill"
"Please call me Henry and it's my pleasure" I turn back to Owen and smile "I have a visitor for you"

I nod at Kal and he jumps up, placing two paws on the bed. Owen giggles, I tell him to reach out and let Kal smell him which he does. Kal instantly licks his hand and I tell Owen he can now stroke him. Kal is loving the attention and Owen looks so happy.
Owens dad comes to stand next to me and he smiles "thank you. That's the most he has smiled in a long time"
"It's my pleasure really"
I ask him what is wrong with Owen and he goes on to explain everything. Eventually telling me the doctors don't believe he will survive any longer then his 12th birthday. I instantly feel my emotions rising, I had to keep it together the last thing these kids need is me blubbering. They are going through hell and I wish there was more I could do.

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