How could....

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Layla POV

I wake up from my nap finally feeling refreshed, I couldn't believe Henry did this for me. It's so weird, I mean I never really watched any of his movies or shows but when you think of actors you automatically think there the worst. Stuck up and entitled but he isn't, he isn't even close. I grab my phone and see some text messages, one from Henry saying everything is okay and to take my time. There is a few from the other parents at the hospital praising Henry and that make me smile.

There is one, it has a link so I click and what's comes up breaks my heart. Photos of Gracie with Henry and Kal. Photos he has taken of them after his visit, private photos that he promised would never be out in the public. The headline reads 'superman star Henry Cavill visits children's hospital and meets children who are fighting cancer' as I look through the article I see them name Gracie and myself, that we have become his charity case because he has paid away our debts. The article is all about making him seem amazing and us just the poor dying families who should feel lucky to receive this kind of help from a big star.

I quickly grab my jacket and keys and head out to the hospital, I thought I could trust this man but turns out he really is like all the rest.

Henry POV

Me and Gracie have had a great time, we've played games and watched a movie. Just as I'm packing away monopoly after being destroyed by Gracie I see Layla walking in, I expect her to look rested and better but she looks angry.
"You need to leave now"
"I really thought you were different, you actually acted like you cared. That you gave a crap about us but you were just using us. All of us"
"Layla what are you...."
She shoves her phone into my hand and I see the article, as I read through I feel my anger bubbling.

"I didn't..."
"Don't. Those photos are ones you have taken on your phone. How could you?"
"Layla I swear to you..."
"Just leave"
I see the tears falling from her eyes and all I want to do is hold her.
"Layla I didn't do this. I promise you"
She shakes her head "save your lies for your next charity case. Go!"
I look at Gracie and she is crying too, I didn't do this and I would never do this.
"You should go Henry"

I place Laylas phone on her bed and make my way to the door, as I turn I see Layla hugging Gracie close and she cries. What the hell has just happened and how the hell have these people got there hands on my private photos. I grab my phone, wipe away my own falling tears and ring my agent. I want to know who the hell did this and I'm going to destroy anyone who was involved in me losing the only people I've cared about in a long time who aren't my family.

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