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Layla POV

They kept me in for observation over night to just ensure everything was okay and i didn't start bleeding. Henry picked me up and on the drive home, there was silence. I knew he was feeling guilty for my accident and I didn't want him to blame himself but part of me did. I wouldn't have fallen if he hadn't of made me so angry. I'm trying not to blame him but it's hard because I'm still very angry at him. As we pull up to the house, he helps me out of the car and into the living room. I see the blankets and pillow laid out and I wonder why.

"I was setting up a day date for us, I wanted to make it perfect to apologise for being an absolute ass. I......I don't know......i" he shakes his and I can't help but tear up.
"That's very sweet"
"I know it doesn't make up for what happened. Layla I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said. You and our baby are the most important things in the world to me not this show. I just.......I want it to be perfect and I'm trying to be perfect i........" he shakes his head and as he looks up at me I see his tears fall "god I could have caused you to miscarry or for damage to come to the baby and I'm just so sorry. If I hadn't of said what I did, you wouldn't have left this house so angry and you wouldn't have......"

He slumps down on the sofa "I'm just so sorry"
I sit down next to him and take his hand in mine "I know your sorry. Don't blame yourself for what happened. Just be thankful I'm okay and our baby is okay"
"Layla I promise you" he takes my hand and kisses it "I'm going to be attentive and I'm going to spend time with you and...."
"Henry.....I think I'm going to go home"
"Being here is a lot harder then I thought it would be and I think I just need to be home right now"
"I don't want to take away your chance of experiencing this pregnancy with me Henry truly I don't but I'm finding myself stressed and anxious here and I don't like that. I think I need to be home, and relaxed"

"Layla I can't...."
I nod "I know and that's okay. I'll keep You updated and I'll send you photos and videos and I mean your due to finish filming 2 weeks before my due date so hopefully little one will stay cooking until you get back and you'll be there"
He looks down and I know he's crying "are you......do you not want this with me..."
"God Henry no!" I cup his cheeks and kiss him gently "I still love you, I just think this was too much too soon. I know we are having a baby but we are also still learning about each other. I think the space will do us good"

He nods and kisses me again "are you sure?"
"Yes. I'll be okay, I have people at home who can help me and you'll be home soon"
"Okay. If that's what you want, I just want you to be happy"
"I know. I'm going to pack up my stuff and then book a flight, I can't wait to much longer because I won't be able to fly otherwise"
"Yeah of course"
I kiss him again and make my way to the bedroom, packing up my bags and booking my flights. I'm fighting my emotions, I don't want to leave him but I can't stay here and be all alone. I need a support system around me and I just don't have that here. I don't know what's going to happen but I truly believe if you love someone there will always be a way to make it work.

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