A turn

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Henry POV

"Hey Sarah, Layla said she put my name down on Gracie's visitor list"
Sarah nods but I notice her sad expression. "Everything okay?" I ask and she shakes her head "Gracie has a fever and she's been mostly sleeping for a day now, Layla is.....well as you imagine"
"God. Should I go? I don't want to be any hassle if...."
"No. She seems to trust you and that's not really a usual thing for Layla so I'll go and see if she is up for visitors"

She walks off and heads into Gracie's room, after a few moments she opens the door and waves me over. As I step in, I see a very pale Gracie laying in her bed and a very tired looking Layla next to her. She looks up at me and offers me a sad smile, I walk closer and crouch down so I'm eye to eye with her.
"What do you need?"
"I......have no idea"
I nod "how about I just sit here with you. Would that be okay?"
She nods and so I place a chair next to her and take her hand in mine. Rubbing my thumb across her knuckles trying to offer some kind of support.

Layla POV

Henry has been sat here for a while, just holding my hand and giving me support in silence. Not expecting me to talk or to explain and I am so grateful because if I was to try and explain right now I don't think I could stop myself from breaking. Gracie has a high fever, which in healthy kids is not always so dire but in a child with cancer it could be catastrophic. Her body is already weak and now it has to fight off another virus and I don't know how much more her tiny body can take.

"Do you want a coffee or tea?"
I look at Henry who is just trying to do anything he can to help and as soon as I look into those eyes I feel my emotions start to bubble. I shake my head and pray I can hold it back.
"Layla?" He places his hand on my cheek and turns me to look at him. I see the sad expression and I feel my tear fall.
"Come here" he pulls me to him and holds me close, I don't know if it's the hug or sweetness of him but I let everything out.

My silent cries turn into loud sobs and he holds me up as I let every thought and feeling.
"She's going to be okay Layla"
I shake my head and pull away, calming myself enough to speak.
"Her body is so weak Henry, I don't think she will make it through this"
"Hey" he cups my cheeks "you have to think positively ok. And I'll do whatever I can to help"
"You really don't have too...."
"I want too. Please let me"
I nod and he hugs me close again. I don't know what it is about Henry but he makes me feel safe and comfortable. I trust him and I haven't trusted someone like him in a long time.

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