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We have been walking around now for over an hour and the children here are so incredibly amazing and brave. They are all fighting such a hard battle but the smiles on there faces never faulter. We have come to a room that is filled with all super hero merchandise. This little girl is obviously obsessed with super hero's and I can't help but smile. As I walk in I see her drawing and she looks in deep concentration. Kal walks right to the bed and hops up on his back legs.

She looks up and smiles, kal instantly licking her hand to get her to stroke him.
"He likes you"
"He's so cute. He looks like a teddy bear"
"Yeah he does. I'm Henry"
She looks up at me and her eyes go wide "oh my god! Your superman"
I can't help but laugh a little "yes I am. But I go by Henry on the normal days"
"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Gracie"
"It's nice to meet you too Gracie and this is Kal"
"Hi Kal"
Kal licks her face as she leans forward and it makes her giggle.

I hear someone walking in behind me and as I turn I see a beautiful woman. Long brown hair, deep brown eyes and the most beautiful smile.
"Hi, you are?"
"Oh right sorry. I'm Henry. Me and Kal are visiting the children on the ward today"
"Oh right. Hi, I'm Layla"
"Nice to meet you Layla. My dog seems to love your daughter"
"Yeah I can see and Gracie is my niece"
"Oh right sorry. Is her mother here or is it just yourself today?"

"My mommy died 2 years ago"
I sigh and shake my head "I'm so sorry"
"Don't worry. You didn't know"
I smile and she continues to stroke Kal, I look back at her Aunt "I hope you don't mind us coming here, I just wanted to do something nice for the kids"
"No of course not, do you volunteer here?"
Gracie laughs "no silly, Henry is an actor he plays superman"
"Oh! God I'm sorry I don't really watch much TV or movies. Don't really have the time to be honest"
"No worries. It's kind of refreshing to have someone not know me"

She laughs "that sounded a little....."
"Big headed" I finish and she laughs again.
"A little..."
"Sorry. Not what I meant"
She shakes her head "no worries"
I hear a knock and see Hayley standing there with her camera ready.
"You guys ready?"
I look at Layla and she looks confused "my friend is here to take a photo if that's okay?"
"I don't want Gracie in any tabloids...."
"Oh god no. These are just for the patient and there families. I'm not doing this for any type of publicity or anything I promise"

She nods "okay. Gracie? Do you want a photo?"
"Yes please"
I smile and walk over, making sure Kal stays where he is.
"Aunt Layla come on please"
I hear her groan and walk over to the side where Kal is. He studies her for a second before licking her hand. She giggles and strokes him. After the photo is taken, Layla bends down and makes a fuss of Kal, he roles over and shows his belly. I'm taken back, he never does that usually he is normally very weary of strangers. I hear her talking to him in a baby voice and he is loving all the attention.

"He likes you"
"He's a sweetie"
"Yeah. He doesn't normally take to strangers so.....I'm impressed"
"Aunt Layla was a vet"
"Yeah I had to give it up, after my sister died. I was a full time parent to this one and then she got sick so...."
"I'm sorry. It's none of my business"
"It's okay really. I love animals especially dogs"
She gives Kal one more stroke and I smile fondly at there already strong bond.
"Are we ready Henry?"
I hear Sarah say and I nod "it was lovely to meet you Gracie and you Layla"
"You too Henry. Bye Kal"

We walk away and I can't help but look back at her, she truly was beautiful and seemed so down to earth. The fact she didn't know me was a blessing, I hope I would run into her again.

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