3 months in

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Layla POV

I've been travelling with Henry and it's been 3 months since we left England. We are currently in location number 2 and I'm now 6 months pregnant. I feel huge, I feel bloated and I'm bored. I don't really do much, sometimes I'll go to set but some of the scenes Henry is filming are sex scenes and I don't really want to watch that, so I stay home. Henry doesn't like me going out by my self because his fans and the media have now caught a glimpse of his girlfriend and have gone a little crazy. We aren't ready for people to know about the baby yet so I stay indoors.

I have Kal who does a great job of distracting me, but even he is getting bored of being stuck indoors. I don't see Henry much, he will kiss me goodbye in the mornings and then he doesn't come home till im already in bed, even on his days off which he doesn't have often he isnt really available because he is working out or going over lines. I know it's not his fault and im trying hard to be understanding, I mean I knew what I was getting into but it's hard when your emotional because of the baby your carrying and the one person you want to just hold you isn't there.

Today is Henry's day off, so I turned off his alarm and told his personal trainer he wouldn't be working out today. He needs rest and I need him, so I've made him a lovely breakfast and I waddle back to the room, when I get there I see him already out of bed. Rushing around "I'm so fucking late. Fuck!"
He looks over and he looks angry "did my alarm go off? Did you turn it off?"
"Erm......yeah......I thought maybe we......we could spend today together instead"

He sighs "I can't layla I have to be in shape for tomorrows filming"
He continues to get dressed and I feel my anger rising "I already cancelled your trainer"
"You what? Layla you can't do that"
"Henry.....one day isn't going to kill you"
"You wouldn't know anything about this. I need to train and be on my game for this. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I can't mess around. I thought you understood that, this is the most important thing to me right now"
Those words, those words are what break me, my anger bubbles so much that I can't contain it any longer.

"Most important! Seriously! I'm stood here 6 months pregnant, in complete agony after standing up and making you damn breakfast all morning and you tell me this show is the most important to you! Are you fucking for real Henry?"
"You knew I'd be busy...."
"Yes I did. But I did not expect to be pushed aside and forgotten! I'm not asking for much Henry just one day! But you know what..." I throw the tray across the floor "screw you, screw your Damn breakfast and screw your damn show! If that's the most important thing to you then it can have you! I'm done"

I walk out and grab my coat and bag and leave the house, how dare he. I knew he would be busy and I knew all of this was important to him I just didn't realise it was more important then me or our baby. I take my phone out and start to book a flight home, through my anger I don't watch where I'm going and I don't see the pot hole In front of me until it's too late and I'm lay face first in a puddle and my head hits the pavement.

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