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Layla POV

I couldn't breathe, I yelled and screamed at the doctors as they told me there was nothing else they could do for my niece. I had to walk away, I had to leave and get some air, but I was having a lot of issues trying to remember how to breathe. I knew I was having a panic attack but I couldn't stop it, I wasn't ready to lose her and I wasn't ready to say goodbye. There just had to be something else I could do. I bend down, leaning on my thighs, trying to get my lungs to cooperate and take in some air but it's not working.

I suddenly feel a hand on my back and a voice, a voice I instantly recognise and surprisingly feel very happy to hear.
"Breathe Layla, come on. Look at me please"
I stand and I see his face, it's slightly blurry due to the tears falling from my eyes but I know it's him. I feel someone nudge my leg and I know it's Kal.
"Layla, I need you to concentrate" he places my hand on his chest "can you feel that? Can you feel my heartbeat?"
I nod "okay, try to match your breathing with the beat of my heart okay"
I nod again and try to focus on his heartbeat, counting as I try to slow my breathing down.

Gradually I feel myself calming, he cups my cheeks and wipes away my tears "that's better. You okay?"
I shake my head still unable to talk "she's going to die"
He nods "I know"
" know?" I ask him still struggling with my breath.
"She called me. Asked me to come see her because she wasn't going to be here much longer"
I start to cry again, tears flowing as Henry pulls me into his chest. My arms automatically wrapping around me and holding him close.

He strokes my hair and whispers softly to me "I know. I know sweetheart, just let it out. You don't have to be strong all the time"
And he was right, I didn't have to be strong all the time, I could be upset that I was going to lose my niece, a little girl who I loved so much. Once I had calmed down, I slowly pulled away and he takes my hand "better?"
I nod "I know you probably don't want me here Layla and I will leave but I promised Gracie she could see Kal"
I shake my head "it's okay"
"Thank you"

I nod, I haven't really spoken with him since I told him to leave the room. He tried to call and text but I didn't answer. I saw his video on instagram and I knew he wasn't to blame for what happened but my stubbornness stopped me from apologising.
"Can I go see her?" He asks.
"Yeah" we slowly walk towards Gracie's room "Kal?"
"I spoke with Sarah she said it would be okay as long as he stays in Graces room"
I nod and we continue walking until we get to her door. I take a deep breath and open the door for Kal to rush in.

I instantly see grace light up, Kal is licking her face and she is giggling. Henry walks around the other side of the bed and kisses her head. She smiles up at him and then looks at me.
"Are you okay Aunt Layla?"
I nod "yes princess I'm okay. Are you?"
She nods "it's okay. I understand and I'm okay. But I have a few things I want to do before I die" at those words I feel my heart break. How can this little girl be so understanding of something that isn't fair.
"Anything honey"
"I want to see my dad"
To say I'm shocked is an understatement "Grace...."
"I want to see him. I want to know things and only he can answer the questions I have. Please Aunt Layla?"

I look to Henry who smiles "I'll be here if you want me to be"
I look back at grace and she smiles too.
"Okay. I'll call him"
"Thank you aunt Layla"
"Your welcome."

I don't know what is going to come out of this but I just hope he comes and doesn't hurt her more .

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