A plan

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Layla POV

"I get it okay, but things change and now my circum....."
I hear Henry getting more and more irate with his manager on the phone. He is trying to get out of or rework his contract, but it doesn't sound like that is a possibility. I walk into the room quietly and he looks up giving me a sad smile before hanging up the phone. He groans and throws his phone onto the table.
"You okay?"
He looks over at me and shakes his head "they won't even budge. Said I have signed a contract now and there is nothing I can do"

I walk closer to him, taking his hand on mine and kissing the back of it "it's okay Henry"
"It's not okay layla. Im going to miss everything" he groans again before walking away from me. "Henry we will work this out okay. We will"
"How?" He snaps and I have to take a deep breath remembering that he isn't angry at me.
"I don't know but we can figure it out"
He scoffs and just continues to pace back and forth. "Henry please calm down"
"I just need to breath okay, im going to take Kal out and just take some time to think"

I look down, feeling my emotions getting the better of me. I hear him sigh and walk over to me, he lifts my face up to look at him and kisses me deeply.
"Im sorry. I shouldn't be snapping at you im just frustrated"
"I know, but I promise we will work this out"
"I love you" he whisper before kissing me again "I'll be back soon"
"Okay. I love you too"
He smiles and walks away, grabbing Kal from the back garden and leaving for there walk.

Henry POV

I was so angry, angry at myself for agreeing to this contract. Although I didn't know about the baby I did know about Layla and I should have spoken to her before I made any plans. I'm just so used to being on my own that I didn't even think. I know I shouldn't be taking it out on Layla it's not her fault at all, that's why I left the house. My walks with Kal always clear my head. I know I've been walking around for what feels like forever so I look down at my phone and notice the time.

"Shit! Kal we better get back" I've been gone nearly 2 hours and I hope I haven't caused Layla any worry. As I walk back into the house, I see Layla sitting on the floor in the living room, surrounded by paperwork and the laptop open in front of her.
"Baby? What you doing?"
She looks up and I notice she is wearing glasses, I've never seen her in glasses before.
"I've been researching and planning"
"Researching and planning what exactly?"
"Come here" she holds her hand out to me and walk over and take it.

She pulls me down to sit and I notice apartment buildings on her laptop.
"Just listen okay?"
I nod and she kisses my cheek, she explains she has looked into the 3 destinations of where I'll be filming and has found apartments and hospitals, she spoke with her doctor who has recommended the best doctors at each of the hospitals and also found out all the information about safety when it comes to flying.
"If you hate this idea then we can figure something else out but......I just......I know this is a shock to both of us but I want you to
Know that no matter what I'll do anything to make this work"

I turn her carefully and place both hands on the side of her face, kissing her softly and deeply.
"You are the most amazing woman in this world and I love you so much"
"I love you too. So your happy with this?"
"I am but only if you are. Layla I don't want to cause you any worry or upset during this pregnancy. So if your happy to come with me, then I'm more then happy to have you with me. I don't want to miss out on anything"
"Okay then. Let's get to booking this up and sorting out those hospitals"
I kiss her again and she smiles "I love you"
"I love you too. We both do"
Placing my hand on her stomach I can't help but smile, this is my future right here and I can't wait to see what comes.

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