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Henry POV

It's been a week since I went to the hospital, since I met Gracie and Layla and I can't get them out of my head. I don't know what it is but there was something about Layla even when she yelled at me, it's crazy i barely know the woman and I'm thinking about her all the time. I decided to go for a walk with Kal, clear my mind a little and hopefully think about anything else other then...
I turn and see Layla standing there, she is in a pair of shorts and a vest top. She's sweating and panting obviously on a run and man does she look good.

"Layla. Hi"
"Hey. I didn't know you lived around here"
"Yeah. Usually a few months out of the year I'm finally home so I take advantage of the walking trails for Kal"
She looks down and Kal is sitting right in front of her, she bends down and strokes him and he licks her face.
"Hi gorgeous boy"
"How's Gracie?"
"She's ok. She had another treatment a couple of days ago and it was tough but she's a fighter"
"Well  let her know I asked about her will you and I'll leave you too your run"
"Yeah I will. Thanks Henry. It was nice to see you again"
"You too"

I walk away quickly with Kal following behind me, I feel the flush on my cheeks and my heart is pounding. What on earth is this women doing to me?

Layla POV

It was nice and weird to see Henry, but he looked good. I mean, what do I mean. God I'm going crazy, I'm just finishing up my run when I see him again, he has Kal lay down so I walk over
"Everything okay?"
He looks up and smiles "yeah. I think he stood on something he just started limping"
"Can I take a look?"
"Yeah of course"
I kneel down and lift Kal's paw "hey big man, I'm going to see what's going on okay"
There is this look in Kals eyes like he knows what I'm saying. After a close inspection I see a Thorn In bedded in his pad, I open my fanny pack and pull out some tweezers from my first aid pack.

I gently pull and the thorn becomes loose, I pop it in the bin and Kal jumps up, licking me all over.
"Oh your welcome handsome"
"Thank you Layla seriously"
"No worries. Just when you get home, try to soak it in some warm water makes sure there is nothing else irritating it and just keep an eye on it. If he starts biting at it or limping again take him to the vets"
"I will. Seriously thank you"
"No worries really. I'll see you around"
I turn and he smiles "can I buy you a coffee? Just to say thank you"

"You don't have to do that"
"I know but I would like too"
I think about it for a moment and then decide why the hell not. It's just coffee.
"Yeah okay, do you wanna drive ahead? Show me the way?"
"Yeah sounds good"
"Okay. I'll see you in a bit then"
"Yeah I'll see you in a bit"
He walks away with Kal following and I can't help but take a look down at that ass. He has a wonderful butt, a butt I would love to get my hands on. God! What is wrong with me? Get it together woman.

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