Vs Reality

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Layla POV

1 week later

It's been a week since I told Henry the news and I haven't heard from him so I have taken that as my answer. My heart is broken but I have a little one to think of now and I need to focus on him or her. I'm booked in for a scan to determine how far along I am. I know I should be around 4-6 weeks if I have done my maths correctly but I can't wait to know for sure. I'm just leaving my house as I see Henry's car pull up. He gets out slowly and I can see he is exhausted, obviously he hasn't slept.
"Can we talk?" He says.
"I have an appointment"

He looks down "do you want to come?" He looks back to me and nods "please"
"Okay" we walk back to his car and he drives me to the hospital. We walk in, not really saying much. I check in and we sit and wait. Time seems to move slowly when you sat next to someone in an awkward situation. Just as I'm about to pluck up the courage to say something my name is called. We walk into the room, say our hellos to the doctor and he goes through some questions with me.

"Okay, let's see baby then shall we" I nod and look towards Henry who is sitting a little further away from the table I am currently lay on. Because I'm so early this is a vaginal scan, so the doctor gets everything set and as he places the wand inside of me and it feels so very uncomfortable, as if reading my face Henry takes my hand and squeezes it gently. I give him a small smile as the doctor brings up the image on the machine.
"Okay, see here there is your baby. Your about 6 weeks from the look of this. Everything seems to be going well. We will just do some measurements"

I nod and he continues doing his work, I look to Henry again who has moved closer to the bed and is staring up at the monitor, his eyes looking glassy as a small smile appears on his lips.
"Okay. Everything looks great. Book in again for 6 weeks time and we should be able to see more of baby. Congratulations both of you"
"Thank you doctor"
He leaves the rooms and I wipe down my belly, Henry is now staring at the picture he provided us.
He looks up and wiped away a tear that has fallen "do you want to go eat?"  He asks me.

"Yeah. I'm pretty Hungry"
He nods and we walk back out to the car once I have made my appointment. We drive to a nearby cafe and order some burgers and coffee.
"Should you be drinking coffee?"
"I'm allowed one cup a day"
He nods "Henry, what did you want to talk about?"
"Right. I wanted to talk about...." He looks down to my stomach and then back to me "that scan was......I mean......wow"
I smile "yeah it was. All the morning sickness and headaches seem so much more worth it now" I giggle and he laughs with me.
"Has it been bad?"
"Pretty bad. Guess it comes with the territory"

He nods "I don't know.......Layla...."
"Henry, I told you if you don't want this then that's okay. I just need to know"
He sighs "I wasn't sure when I drove to you what I would say or how I would feel. But right now......I've never been more sure of anything. I want this Layla. I want you and I want this baby"
I feel the tears fall before I can stop them "really?"
He nods and gets up to sit down beside me, he cups my cheek and places a hand on my stomach. "Yes. I couldn't think of anything I want more then this"
He leans in and kisses me softly, I smile into the kiss and place my hands on his face, pull him in closer. Relishing in the feel of him again, the feel of his lips on mine and I couldn't be more happier then I am right in this moment.

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