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Layla POV

"You can't be serious?"
"What? How have you never tried that?"
"Because I'm normal and normal people don't do things like that"
I can't help but burst out laughing, we'd been having a discussion on weird food combinations and when I mentioned jam and cheese well Henry nearly spat his coffee all over me.
"That's just Gross Layla"
"Don't knock it till you try it Henry"
I take sip of coffee and notice Henry staring at me and I can't help but chuckle.
"What you staring at?"

"You. Your a interesting person Layla"
"Interesting how?"
"I don't know. I just find myself intrigued by you and I would love to find out more"
"Trust me Henry I'm boring. Really boring. Nothing compared to your Hollywood life"
He chuckles "my Hollywood life isn't all that grand trust me"
We continue to talk and laugh and it's nice, it nice to be out having a normal conversation and not a conversation about medication and trials.

I love Gracie and I will continue to do whatever I have to in order to save her but my life is made up of appointments and treatments and sometimes it's hard to feel normal.
"How is Gracie anyway?" Henry asks as I realise I haven't been paying attention.
"She is okay, she has her good days and her bad days. I just wish I could take away all her pain"
"Your doing everything you can for her Layla"
I shrug "never seems enough"
"She's lucky to have you, you know"
"Most of the time I don't think she does feel so lucky. She's sick of being prodded and poked and I can't blame her"

He nods "she's so strong and so bright. She has the brightest smile of anyone in there"
"She's my strength"
"I think your hers too you know"
I smile and take another sip of coffee, I can feel myself getting emotional and I don't want to do that in front of Henry.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Sorry just..."
I feel his hand on mine and he squeezes it gently "I know you don't know me very well but I'm here if you ever need to talk"
"Thank you Henry"

I look down at my watch and realise I need to get going.
"I've gotta shoot off, I need to get to the hospital. Thank you for the coffee and for the talk I really enjoyed it"
"Your welcome and I enjoyed it too and thank you for helping Kal."
"Your welcome. I'll see you around Henry"
"Wait" he grabs his phone and smiles at me "can I get your number? You know incase of any more thorn emergencies"
I can't help but chuckle "well I suppose if it's for Kal"
I take his phone and write down my number for him, handing it back he smiles.

"Say hi to Gracie for me will you"
"I will. Feel free to drop in and see her whenever your free. She would love that"
"I might just do that"
"I'll put your name down on her list"
"Thanks Layla"
"Bye Henry"
I wave and head off to the car, driving home, showering and changing before heading off to the hospital. I really did have fun with Henry and I kind of hoped he would use my number for more then just dog emergencies.

As I get to Gracie's room, I see a man standing there. A man I haven't seen in a long time and I didn't want to particularly see again.
"Layla hi"
"What are you doing here?"
"When you called I realised I should come see her"
"Seriously? The little girl you abandoned for years even after her mother died"
"No. She is sleeping and you need to leave now"
"Fine. Tell her I came by please"
He walks past me and I can't help but scoff, who does he think he is. He has never wanted her, never helped with her and he certainly won't be starting now.

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