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Shuichi's POV: As I saw Kokichi run out the Gym everyone was wondering what was up with him "Shuichi can you please go and check on Kokichi?" Kirumi said "O-oh okay Kirumi I'll go check on him"
"Okay thank you" I walked out the Gym and went to Kokichi's dorm room *Knock* no answer *Knock Knock* still no answer before I could knock again the slightly just to reavel his face opened "What do you want?" "Oh um Kirumi wanted me to come and check o-" I saw something on his bed "Kokichi can I come in?" I asked "No" replied Kokichi he was almost gonna close the but I stopped it with my foot " W-what the hell?" I barged inside of his room and he ran to that bathroom and locked himself inside there

I inspected his bed and saw a purple bra. W-wait is kokichi a pervert!? "KOKICHI WHAT IS THIS ON YOUR BED!?" "Idk what your talking about Shumai" "Kokichi don't act dumb with me tell me who's is this, did you steal this from one of the girls!?" "W-w-what no I didn't" "Then who's is it then?" "I-it's MINE!" what no he's a boy he can't be wearing a bra right he must be lying "Kokichi stop lying tell the truth" "I'm not lying it's mine dumbass" that word mine "Dumbass" he or she then came out of the bathroom

I stood there in shock looking at Kokichi dumbfounded "What the hell are you looking at?" I finally snapped out of it "Your a girl!?" "What does it look like dumbass?" "But please don't tell anyone please Shuichi" She looked like she was on the verge of tears but then she just started crying then she collapsed I caught before hi- her could hit the floor she looked so peaceful I wanted to kiss her on the forehead but I carried her to the bed then I saw Kirumi "Shuichi what is going on?" "O-oh Kirumi so um Kokichi is a girl and she went unconscious " Kirumi looked shocked then went back to her calm face "Well we should let her rest then" "Um okay" we left her room then headed to the cafeteria where there was only Maki,Kaito,Keebo and Miu along with me and Kirumi "Hey sidekick what happened with that lying gremlin?" "Oh he was just wanted to cause a scene to see if anyone would go after him that's all" Kirumi said I guess she didn't want tell the truth plus Kokichi trusted me with that secret so we can't tell anyone "Okay anyways do you want to go training again?" Kaito said "Oh um sure okay let's go" "Okay let's then" Maki said leaving Kirumi,Miu and Keebo in the cafeteria

Heeeeeeyyyyy~~~~ it's me again your annoying and cringe author who is in grade 6 but doesn't know how to spell some English words correctly anyways Sayanara mother suckers and also sorry if this ways short

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