🌺Chapter 18: Confession🌺

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Kokichi's POV: I woke up before the morning announcement played and did my routine and Shuichi woke up after me and did his normal routine we went to the cafeteria saw everyone was there expect the other's who are dead I tried to think of happy thoughts and fly like Peter Pan ( Don't question me) we went to the table where the couple was sitting and chatting "Hello lovebirds!" Maki looked at me with a death glare "Awwwww, Maki~san why do you hate me?" I said with puppy eyes "I don't hate you Kokichi, it's just that you keep saying stuff that are inaccurate" "But Tenko and Himiko are together and I already came up with a ship name for them" "What is it?" "Tenmiko!" "It kinda sounds good" "I know I'm very creative" "Also creative in killing too" I looked at Kaito with a creepy stare "U-um w-what did I-i say wrong?" "Don't..... talk..... about..... her" "O-okay" "Okay let's go back to our conversation!" "Jeez talk about mood swings" He whispered to himself "Hmm was that?" "N-nothing!" "Okay anyways" We went back to talking and everyone looked at me expect for Maki, sometimes it's like she understands me

Shuichi's POV: We were chatting, I thought of telling Kokichi how I feel about her, I dozed off thinking on what I'm to tell her "Hey Shu are you there? Helloo~" "O-oh sorry I dozed off" "Neh it's okay we all do it during conversations so it's no big deal" "Hey how come it's no big deal for Shuichi and but when I dozed off you hit me at the back off my head!?" "I don't remember"

(Kokichi was in her alternative personality and they don't share the same memories)

"Cut the bullcrap Kokichi" "Idiot it was Joker not Kokichi who hit you" "Oh sorry" "Apology not accepted" "You little-!" Maki hit him at the back of his head "Don't shout at my friend" "Okay, sorry Maki~Roll" "Don't apologize to me, apologize to her" Kaito looked Kokichi while she smiling, her smile was a bit creepy she was smiling ear to ear

Stop smiling like that" "Why should I?" "It's scaring me" "Oop sorry" she stopped smiling, she can be creepy but also cute at the same time thoug  {I sound like a simp} "Back to the conversation" we continued talking until we split ways, while Kok...

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Stop smiling like that" "Why should I?" "It's scaring me" "Oop sorry" she stopped smiling, she can be creepy but also cute at the same time thoug  {I sound like a simp} "Back to the conversation" we continued talking until we split ways, while Kokichi went to her room I thought of sneaking the note under ger door so I build up the courage to go and slide it under her door

Kokichi's POV: I was in my room writing inside my note book that was purple and had grape pictures on it {What can I say I love grapes and purple!} I was trying to write down everything about everyone especially Tsumagi, she has been very suspicious, I was gonna continue writing then I saw a piece of paper slide under my door "Huh?" I went to go get it and I took the small note which was light purple and had grape stickers {So cute!} I read the the note "Dear Kokichi, can you please meet me at the cherry blossom tree at the top of the hill Love: unknown" This unknown seems pretty suspicious I don't trust whoever wrote this maybe I just be a cautious and maybe switch to my alternative personality "Damn it she  might hurt someone though" I had no choice either way I didn't want to die so I took out my taser and held it to my neck and pulled the trigger "Oooooo~~~ What's this little note here?" I read the note "So someone needs me huh? Welp I better get there and not get there late~" I got out of my door locking it of course and sprinting at full speed "Kyahahahahaha!" I went to the hill with the cherry blossom tree of course "Helllooooo~ Is anyone hereee!" Just a waste of my time I might as well just go "U-um Kokichi" "Kokichi?" I turned around and saw the hot and handsome navy locks with grey-ish golden eyes dective looking at the ground "Oooohhh the hot and handsome dective did come here to kill, well news flash hunny bunny your not gonna kill me!" I took out my kunais "J-joker?!" "Yep it's me sugar dick the one and second most famous serial killer Genocidal Joker!!" "Oh um can I please have Kokichi?" "Kokichi? Who the fu-" "Oohh little miss cross dresser, well okie dokie no worries anything for you handsome hottie!" I pulled out my taser and held it to my neck and pulled the trigger " W-what the hell happened?" "Oh Kokichi I need to tell you something" "Oh what is it Shumai?" "Kokichi I love yo-"

LMAO just as soon as hottie here was about to confess his feelings to miss cross dresser Welp get your hopes up for the next chapter, Genocide out!!

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