The investigation

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Kokichi's POV: When I turned I saw Shuichi walking towards me "Hey Kokichi I wanted t-" "What the hell!?" He quickly ran towards the Gym and saw Ryoma "Let's go and tell them, c'mon let's go!" Shuichi ran to the cafeteria and I followed him "Guys Ryoma's dead!" Everyone looked at Shuichi and me "W-what do you mean?" Tsumagi asked "He's dead dumbass, I saw his body in the Gym" Everyone quickly went to the Gym and saw his body "What the fuck!?" "A body has been discovered please come to the Gy- oh wait you guys are already here, well here's the Monokuma file enjoy your investigation!"  "Screw you bitch!" Miu yelled, Monokuma gave it to Shuichi and I went to look too, the time of the murder happened around 4:00am to 5:00am "Shit" "What's wrong Kokichi?" "Everyone doesn't have an alibi at that time" Shuichi looked at the Monokuma file again "Damnit, your right" "how are we gonna confirm everyone's alibi now?" "I dont know? Hey Shumai can I borrow the file?" "Oh sure" Shuichi gave me the file and I went to Ryoma's body and started to check his wounds, it says that he got hit in the with a blunt weapon and got stabbed in the leg, there was something that was bothering me, I looked at his face it was quite blue like he was drowned when I was about to call Shuichi I felt a hand on my shoulder than I looked at who it was, it was Shuichi "Shumai, look at Ryoma's face" I was blushing a bit "Yeah what about it?" "Why does it look blue?" Shuichi looked at Ryoma's face closely "Your right it is quite blue" "Are we sure the Monokuma file is right?" "I don't know, but it was right with the other murders though" "Monokuma!" Monokuma appeared "Yep?" "Are you sure the Monokuma file is right?" "Of course it is always right?" "But his face looks kinda blue" "Oh um wellll, BYE!" "Hey wa-" "It's not worth it Shumai let's go back to investigating" "Okay" We continued investigating and going around to check everyone's alibi, then it was time to go to the trial grounds, I was quite nervous about doing this than I felt a something grip onto my shoulder and saw it was Shuichi, he gave me a small smile and stepped into the elevator i followed along too while blushing of course, I really love Shuichi but I don't know if he likes me too I realized I was blushing a lot the whole time we got out the elevator and got into the trial grounds.............

Do you guys know the movie called "The blackening"? I don't know if I spelled it right

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