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Third person POV:As they all entered the the trial room, they went to their rightful podium everyone was quite for a minute until Kokichi spoke up "Okay first we should start with everyone's alibi!" She said "Uh okay we'll start with our alibis" "I was with Himiko and Tsumagi, she wanted me and Himiko to try on her new costumes and that was around 2:50" "Yes that's true and Himiko was sleeping half way through" Tsumagi said with a small giggle Himiko, Tenko and Tsumagi's alibis were covered "Ryoma was helping me with the dishes in the kitchen it was around 1:30pm and we finished at 2:10pm" Kirumi said, the murder happened around 3:30pm "Yes that is true" " I was giving Keebo some upgrades" "Yes, that is true and that was at 2:55" Miu and Keebo's alibis were covered

They went did the mass panic thing and whatever magicy

"And the culprit is none other than Korekiyo Shinguji!"

They do the rebuttal and manga shit

"Kiyo why did you kill Angie?" " I watched my motive video but I think it's best we all watch it together" "Don't worry I have it right here with me!" Monokuma handed them Korekiyo's monopad

"Korekiyo Shinguji the ultimate Anthropologist, and his motive to why he should kill, his beloved sister is sick and she's been going in and out of the hospital for while now without her brother protecting her and this cruel world, she only has a few weeks to leave but her surgery costs way too much, so if you want see your sister and pay for her surgery it's best for you to killl~"
"That is why I killed Angie and I tried my best to frame Kokichi for it"

Kokichi's POV: Something didn't sit right with me he never had a sister he told wanted us that he wanted to have a sibling before but he never did have a sister or even a brother..... wait this bear brainwashed them it also seems as if he also brainwashed the normal Kokichi but not me maybe he forgot "Kokichi do you want to say anything, it looks as if you want to say something" "Huh, oh yep, Kiyo listen, your sister died 2 years ago" everyone looked at me shocked "W-what do you mean?" "She died due to an illness" "W-wait your lying, it can't possibly mean that I killed someone for no reason" "Kokichi stop with this bullcrap of your!" "No, I'm not lying  Monokuma didn't brainwash me" when I looked at everyone I looked closely at Tsumagi she was very surprised and shocked but her reaction was different from everyone's reaction though I need to stay away from her, I looked at Monokuma her looked very pissed and he had claws coming out of his paw "T-that's doesn't matter now" "Wait" "Its punishment time"

Korekiyo was dragged same as like a claw machine, he was then dropped down in a garden full of flowers he was walking forward and saw a girl who looked almost like him, she starts giggling and running and Kiyo runs after her she than stops running and waves goodbye then he goes forward and a sharp spade comes towards his stomach, he then falls on his knees while holding the spade and looks up at his sister where she was standing he sees a grave with sakura flowers on top of it "?????? Will be missed as a loving sister,daughter and friend 2004-2017" he then fell onto the ground and more spades come out of the ground impaling him he let out a blood curdling scream then a bunch of Monokuma's dressed up as surgeon's go to his lifeless body performing surgery then, then a light blue light comes out of his body we then see him and his sister coming towards him for a hug then Monokuma and the Monokubz appeared sprinkling salt on him and his sister too with a smile he let out a another blood curdling scream as he melted

When I saw the blood I had fainted and I heard crying and screaming I was carried by Shuichi then.............

Awwwwww shucks another cliffhanger

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