🥀Revealing the mastermind🥀

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              *Kokichi's POV*

We all got inside the elevator while everyone was confused "Why do we have a class trial but there hasn't been a killing?" Tsumagi asked, we all stayed quit. We got out of the elevator and I got off of Shumai arms and we all got to our podiums "So let's start with the alibi" "Huh? But there hasn't been body though" "I'm talking about the first class trial we had" "Oh, why would we need to say them again" (Yoh I forgot what their alibis were, we're just gonna skip to Tsumagi's) "I was in the kitchen with Kirumi and Korekiyo and I excused myself to go to the bathroom" "Which bathroom?" "The first floor girls bathroom" I remember that I got out the first girl bathroom. Before I could say something about her alibi Shuichi immediately objected her

                *Shuichi's POV*

When Tsumagi said her alibi I immediately interrupting Kokichi without realizing it "Awww I was gonna say something" "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you Kichi" "Enough with the sappy shit now get onto the POINT!" Monokuma  yelled "Ah yes. Tsumagi you said you went to the first floor girls bathroom" "Yes" "Well I'll to tell you this, but there's a secret passage in that bathroom" "Wait wait what were you doing in the girls bathroom?" "Okay I'll explain" I explained everything to them "That doesn't mean that your getting off of this one degenerate male. I'm gonna dropkick you!" "I should have expected that. Well anyways back to the case"

(They do the rebuttaland manga shit)

"Keade never killed Rantaro it was the mastermind who killed him" "S-so Keade never killed Rantaro. I-it was Tsumagi! I can't believe I called you my friend I can't  believe you would do this to me and everyone!" Himiko shouted "Yes and in order for you guys to escape this game you'll need 3 sacrifice's!" "Why would we want to sacrifice our friends to leave this God forsaken place!?" "Oh but you'll need 3 people to live this place" "I'll do it" We all looked at who said it and it was Maki "M-maki, please don't do this" "I'm sorry Oma but I don't want to everyone to stay in this place" "T-then if your going then I'm also going with you too then!" "K-kokichi! P-please don't go I'm begging you please don't go" "Maki~Roll don't I'll go with you" "No Kaito your gonna die I can't risk you dying. Because your the first person to make feel like this" "W-what?" "D-dont you get it. I love you Kaito! I don't want you to die!" "Then if they're going then I am too!" Then Tenko shouted making Himiko cry "T-tenko! Please no I don't want you to go!" "Miko it's okay. Promise me that you'll take of care yourself while I'm gone" "P-please don't go Tenko please" "I'm sorry Miko"

(They go through everything when I say everything I mean everything, even the Keebo part)

"N-no it wasn't supposed to end like this!" "It was supposed to end like this. This game, Dangonrapa is over"

(They don't vote)

"Himiko, Tenko, Kokichi, Shuichi, Kaito, Maki, Tsumagi will receive punishment. Time to destroy the Ultimate Academy"

We couldn't see what was going on outside but all we know is that Keebo destroying the academy

                *Third person POV*

"So this it huh" "Atleast we all escaped that game we can rest in peace now" "We finally avenged everyone's death" They were all talking until Kokichi fainted "K-kokichi!" "Miss me bitches!" "N-nyeh! I-it's not Kokichi it's Jack" "Where are we? Where's the school? Where's the cosplay chick? And where's the micorwave?" "She's dead and Keebo's dead" "Oh so I'm guessing cosplay chick was the mastermind" "Yep" "Oh well now that she's dead I can you guys something!" "What is it?" "Lookie!" Jack pulled out a USB flash drive "Why would we need that?" "Weellll~ the horny inventor gave me this just in case she or the microwave dies and it has everyone that has died personality's are in here which are basically AI" "W-wait really?" "Yuppers! I might be a evil serial killer but I do have a good heart" "Yeah we can see" Kokichi gave it to Maki "I'm giving it to you because I'm pretty sure everyone here would lose it" "Okay" Maki took it and put it inside her pocket. While everyone was talking Jack on other hand was going around the destroyed academy until she found an exit that could lead them out the the destroyed place "HEEEEEYYYYYYYY GUUYYSSS LOOK HERE!" Jack was running towards them like a manic "What is it Joker?" "Come follow me!" "Where are we going?" "Dont ask questions just come and follow me" "Okay" "H-hey slow down" "Dont worry Himi I'll carry you!" "Thank you Ten ten"

They saw the place that Joker had found it was the exit that could lead them out of the academy.....

Did y'all enjoy the story well if you did then I'm happy

Have a nice day


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