🥀4th execution🥀

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*Maki's POV*

We were all done investigating the crime scene, Joker found two pieces of evidence fabric and green hair "Hey Kinky dective and gothic girl come!" We both ignored the her weird nicknames and walked over to her "What is it Joker?" "Lookie!" We looked at where she was pointing at "Huh, what is this?" "Hair and fabric. Duuh!" "Yeah green hair and dark brown fabric" after we all were done we went to ask for everyone's alibi. Everyone's alibi was clear and we went to ask Gonta for his alibi "So Gonta where were you at 13:45 pm?" "G-gonta c-can't remember where Gonta was" Whenever we would ask about Miu and he would freak out, we found it suspicious that he would keep stuttering whenever we asked him about Miu.

*Gonta's POV*

When I opened my eyes I saw Miu hanging from the ceiling and when I looked at myself my hands were bloody I was holding a silver BALL, the same one Rantaro~Kun was by, I sprinted out of Miu~San's lab.

*Shuichi's POV*

When we were done investigating we went to the trial grounds, I was scared and afraid knowing that one of our friends killed one of us just to get out of this place and be with our families but we have to go through this, I in thought and someone snapped me back to reality "Heeellllllooooooo~!!" "G-gah! Oh sorry" "Hmn anyways let's go this trial!" She said with excitement but the real Kokichi would be problem scared, she has opened up a bit to me and Maki. I went inside the elevator and got into the trial grounds another death another execution. We got through everyone's alibi and Gonta was the culprit "G-gonta is such a sweetheart. Why would he want to kill Miu? A-are we sure she isn't the killer?" Tsumagi said talking about Genocider "Heee! What does that supposed to mean!?" She said angrily and taking out her kunais out of her sleeves, so that's where she hides them "N-nothing" Tsumagi quickly said "Gonta why did you kill Miu!?" Kaito shouted "Gonta can't remember anything" He said while crying "I know why big man killed!" Genocider shouted, we all looked at her "What do you mean?" "I said I know why big man killed! What are you deaf? Deafy!" "Just tell us why he killed" she put her head down and when she lifted her head up we saw a big wide smile on her face "WHY? IT'S BECAUSE OF THE MOTIVE THAT MONOKUMA DIDN'T TELL US! HE ONLY TOLD GONTA WITH A FLASHBACK GE COULD GET ALL HIS MEMORIES BACK AND END THE KILLING GAME!" She said with the same smile "Man I wanted to say that during the trial. But I bet Monokuma is pissed out that I knew his plan to manipulate Gonta! Riiight Monokuma?" "You always know to something fun" Monokuma said angrily "What is the meaning of This!? Monokuma or Joker explain!" "Well jeez no need to shout idiot I guess I have to put my narrator voice on!" She cleared her throat and started talking "So before I passed out back to little Ms. Cross dresser, I was bored and since I couldn't kill anyone I was snooping around the school and saw Bug idiot talk to the ratio bear or Yin-yang bear about the motive and telling him that he told us already but he was asleep, and gave him the flashback light, the motive and Bug idiot fell for it" We all looked terrified and shocked "N-no Gonta would never kill Miu! Gonta is true gentleman!" Gonta said yelling "Nope! I saw you murdering her or is that just a lie?" "We don't have time for your lies" "G-gonta didn't want to kill Miu" "Oh well you did!" "Joker shut up!" "Jeez no need to be so mean" we were all sad that Gonta killed Miu, we all said our goodbyes to him and he went through his execution

We were all sad the despair was brutal why did he have to die "Ooo-" "Godamnit Joker why can't see that we are all sad about Gonta!?" She looked shocked but went to her normal state "Okay Pookie!" She went to the elevator I wanted to stay and mourn Gonta's death but my body went the elevator after Genocider I was searching for her and I saw her fighting an exisal "J-joker!" "Go away Pookie I'm in a middle of a fight!" I watching her fighting against the exisal then I heard quick footsteps and it was Maki "Don't go near this go to safety!" She quickly ran towards the fight and helped Joker I don't know how they managed to defeat two exisal's when they were done Joker was panting "That was epic as shit!" Everyone looked at the two females "W-what just happened?" "Weeelll~" "I was walking out the elevator and Monokuma popped out of no where and he said he wanted me stop ruining the class trials and he tried ta kill me with the exisal's but I knew how to fight and Maki joined in and helped me!" "I just didn't want anything to hurt you that's all" "Aawwwww Maki cares for me!" "Only Kokichi not you" "Your so mean, but it really doesn't matter because you care for Kokichi and we're the same because we're in the same body! So it also means that you care for me too!" "Let's just go" we all walked into the dormitory in an awkward silence and got into our dorms aside from Kaito and Maki. I waited for everyone to go inside their dorms, once they all got inside I went to Kokichi's dorm and knocked on the door.

*Kokichi's POV*



It was my fault that Gonta and Miu died if only I stopped Gonta from using that flashback light he wouldn't have ever had to kill Miu, my stood up and went the drawer and took out a pocket knife and starting cutting myself the pain was not enough for everyone who died to die I need to hurt myself. I have been doing this since Keadead's execution she died a horrible death. I had 10 extra cuts on both of my arms when I was done i heard a knock on the door "W-why is it?" "It's me Shuichi I need to talk to you" Shit I don't want him to see me like this "U-um c-coming!" "Okay" I took the knife and put it under the bed, I went to the door and opened it "Hey Shumai!" "Kokichi I wanted to-"

Done sorry for not posting I don't know but I was busy like very busy with projects, tests and orals and dealing with my anxiety but I hope you guys doing okay 

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