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Kokichi's POV: I woke up and I was inside my dorm room but I didnt look like it mine didn't have bookshelves I looked around and I heard the door open I quickly pretended to sleep "Oh she's still asleep" not really though, he came closer and gave me a small kiss on my cheek and I had a small smile on my face "K-kokichi are you asleep? He asked  I wanted to say something but I chose not to, he looked at me for two minutes and went to the bathroom as soon as he closed the door I got up and looked around I then went to the bookshelves and looked every book, there were small sections of books fantasy, murder mystery, romantic, mythology and comedy I looked the murder mystery,I took a murder mystery book one and I sat down and started reading the murder mystery when I was on the fifth page Shuichi came out with a towel around his waist, HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS MAN IS HOT AS FUCK JFHRFDURYUDGXSQRWUFF Kokichi.exe has stopped working, my face was all red and I looked back at the book and continued reading trying to forget that there's a hot detective "Oh hello my beloved Shumai!" I tried to stay calm I am calm no, I'm not calm, damn I'm a simp now "Oh hey Kichi" I blushed at the sudden nickname "Kichi?" "Yeah it's a nickname I gave, well since you gave me one why not give you one too, it's okay if you don't like i-" "It's fine you can call me that if you want to" I said with a small smile I looked at Shuichi and he had a small blush on his cheeks "What are you blushing at stupid?" "Oh sorry" I rolled my eyes playfully and continued reading the book while he dressed himself goddaymn he hot though, after a little he was done dressing himself up, he came towards me and sat down next to me, "So what are you reading?" "A murder mystery book" "What is it about?" "It's about a group of teenagers who have then a killer who is one of the teenagers and they have to play have to unlock the door because the killer locked and there's no signal for them to call for help because there's a storm outside and the killer smashed their phones" "Oh well that's interesting book" "Wanna read it with it with me?" "Okay, sure" we read the book together I should and I must say Shumai is very good reading

Yeet yeet I'm back!

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