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() Author's thoughts

{}  thoughts

Shuichi's POV: I woke up looking at Kokichi she was so adorable the morning announcement hasn't played yet atleast I can spare some time to sleep again I went back to sleep and the only the thing I hear is nothing which I'm quite happy about that

Kokichi's POV: I was half asleep then I opened my eyes a bit and saw Shuichi I blushed a lot my face was redder than Himiko's {Didn't even know that was possible} the morning announcement hasn't played so maybe I can go take a shower I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, after I was done showering and dressing I got out the shower and Shuichi was still asleep he looked very cute I didn't want to bother him sleeping so I waited for the morning announcement to play, because  it seems as if the morning announcement wakes him up he shouldn't wake to it because he's gonna get used to shithole the morning announcement played and I sitting on the bed watching him sleep he woke up and looked at me "Good morning Shumai!" "Oh good morning Kichi" I gave him a big smile "You shouldn't wake from the morning announcement because it might mean that your getting used to this hellhole" "Oh yeah maybe your right" "I'm always right" he got up and went to the bathroom to shower, he was done "let's go to the cafeteria" "Okay" we went to the cafeteria and we were the first one's first "Yay we're the first" "Well I guess that's better" "Yep I can take all the food in kitchen!" "Wait is that why no food?" "Yep but don't worry Monokuma said that every week he refills the fright due to their very big budget" I said putting my hands behind ny head "Well I guess that's good" we sat down at a table and we're chatting and more people came in Maki and Kaito came to the table we were sitting at "Hello Ultimate idiot" "What? Already in the morning, Kokichi I haven't even said anything" "We all know that you an idiot even your girlfriend" "W-what!? What girlfriend?" "Maki, you guys have been really close I that you guys should date and your ship name should be Kaimaki!" "Do you want to die?" Maki said coldly "Do you want to die, Maki?" We exchanged death glares at each other

Shuichi's POV: Kokichi was busy talking about hiw Kaito and Maki should be together until Maki interrupted Kokichi "Do you want to die?" Maki said coldly "Do you want to die, Maki?" Both if the girls were busy giving each other death glares me and Kaito were scared to cross paths with them, Kaito was praying to Atua so I joined him "Dear Atua please let us live another day and not suffer to the hands of these females" The whole cafeteria was looking at the table we were sitting at until Kokichi laughed it off and Maki kinda giggled (Yes I want Kokichi and Maki to be friends and get along) we both looked at them "What the hell was that?" "We were just joking with you guys we wanted to see who has the scariest death glare but I guess it's a tie" "Wait so that was just a fake?" "Yep Shumai, wait you didn't think that I'll try to kill my best friend?" "Best friend?" "Yep we were hanging out and I found we had some things in common" "Yes" "Well atleast we don't have to witness another fight going between you guys" "Oh no my other personality doesn't like people so maybe we'll be fighting again and she enjoys killing people and Maki doesn't" "That's also bad and good at the same time" "I know!" We were eating and and chatting and arranged a meeting in Kokichi's room "Okay we'll go to Kokichi's room to discuss about the Mastermind" "OKAY!!" Me and Kokichi were hanging out and becoming very close and we also started to investigate about the mastermind and we reached the conclusion to Tsumagi but we weren't sure about her

It was time to go to Kokichi's room and discuss about the Mastermind "We have suspicion on Tsumagi" "Why? She's just a boring plain-jane" "Yeah it's about her alibi" "What about it?" "Her alibi at the first class trial-" "I think that her alibi was pretty clear to me" "Jeez Kaito let me talk" "Okay, okay" "As I was saying it's about her alibi for the first class trial, it didn't seem to trustworthy and Kiyo was only able to confirm that she left the cafeteria and didn't follow her there must've been another secret hide out she had" So we were discussing about Tsumagi is the mastermind and all of that blah blah blah

We were done with meeting and went back to our dorms and Kokichi slept in mine


Bye bye

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