🌸Chapter 19: 2nd Confession🌸

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Kokichi's POV: When I heard the word "love" I almost broke down in tears "I-it's okay if you don't feel-" I immediately ran away "Wait Kokichi!" I didn't want to look behind me

Shuichi's POV: "Wait Kokichi!" I looked at her, she was crying I felt sad and miserable I decided to run after her "Kokichi! Wait!" She just ran faster and faster I couldn't run after her I went back to my room, I closed the door and I broke down in tears "W-why K-kokichi" I got up and went to sleep as soon as my body hit the bed

                         The next day

I woke up feeling like crap maybe it was because I was crying myself to sleep I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and did my daily routine I stepped outside to see Kokichi and Maki talking which is weird at first because Maki tried to kill Kokichi before "Um hey Kokichi" "Oh well Maki~san I gotta go! Bye!" She ran away, I was gonna chase after her but then Maki held my shoulder "If you hurt Kokichi I won't hesitate to slit your throat in half do you hear me?" She said while giving me a death glare "Y-yes ma'am!" I was scared for my life "Okay now go" She went back to normal "What are standing for?" "U-um bye Maki" I ran as fast as I could.

Whenever I'd try to talk to Kokichi she'd just run away from me I remember when she was teasing Himiko


"Himiko, magic isn't real" "Nyeh yes it Is!" "Kokichi can you please be kind to Miko" "Nope" I approached Kokichi "Um Kokichi can I-" "Oh well bye guys!" "Hey wa-" I was about to run after her until he got kicked in the balls by a certain someone "Degenerate male don't chase a female when they don't to talk to you!" "Oooff" "Ten ten I think you killed him" "Oh shi-" I collapsed on the floor with tears.

                      Back to reality

It's an official I'm gonna ask her again, I was searching for Kokichi the whole day until I saw her in the kitchen she was humming to herself there was no one there so I ran to her and pinned her to the wall, she looked different, shit it was Genocide Joker "Oooohhh~~ kinky private dick" W-what the hell!? Why'd she say that "What are you gonna go? Put a gag on me and blindfold and make me your bitch??" She said with drool coming out her mouth while blushing insanely "N-no I wanted to talk to Kokichi" "Ooh~ You want little Ms.Cross dresser" "Are you gonna make her your b-" "Just can I talk to Kokichi please" "Jeez this is why I hate boys like you, you guys so stubborn and bitchy bossy" "Can I just please talk to Kokichi please" "Fine fine bossy ass hot detective" she mumbled the last part to herself until let go of her so she take the taser still don't know how she can fit an whole entire taser in those pockets of her's, she put the taser to her neck and pulled the trigger "Huh where the hell am  I?" "Um Kokichi I need to ask you something" "Oh Saihara~chan" she sounded sad "Kokichi do you love me?" "U-um do you mean Shumai?" She looked nervous "Kokichi don't act dumb with me please just tell me I don't you to keep ignoring me all the time" "F-fine, yes I do love you" I was filled with shock and happiness "But then why'd you keep avoiding Me?" "Because after I ran away and talking to you again could've made it awkward" she said looking down, she was about to say something but I interrupted her..............

Hiiyyyaa it's me the realest mother fucker here in this bitch! Me anyways I'm sorry I haven't been posting it's because of term 3 projects😒😒

Anywayss byeee y'all and stay safe!!!

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