Not another one

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Third person POV: Everyone was doing their own thing and hanging out or in their rooms until a certain someone had to ruin the peace and haramony "Ahem testing testing!" "Okay now this is your Headmaster reporting in telling you guys to come to the Gym for a new motive!" Everyone looked at the screens in horror just when they thought that there was not gonna be another motive welp they though wrong all of them went to the Gym either in despair,shock or no emotion at all

"Okay now that everyone's here I'll introduce you guys to the new MOTIVE!" No one thought of speaking or even arguing with Monokuma "Awwwww you guys are so boring,well that doesn't matter now does it!?" "You guys will receive at the Gym where I'll be waiting for you guys!"

Kokichi's POV: I really hate this shit, were just teenagers that are forced to play in this shitty game "Anyways you guys haven't killed yet especially Maki and Kokichi didn't kill anyone" "Just make it quick your wasting my time" I said "Okay,okay anyways here are your monopads!" While the Monokubz were handing it to everyone looked at the pads it looked like our student Handbooks it also had our names on it I guess to not confuse us I think as soon as I got mine, I was walking out the Gym "Hey Kokichi where are you going?" Kaito said " I'm going to plan murder" I said bluntly "W-what the hell!?" As soon he was going to speak again I already got out of the Gym

I got inside of my dorm I looked it for then went my bed I laid down for a bit while staring at the ceiling until I heard my doorbell ring "Ding dong Bing bong baby" "Ding dong Bing bong baby" "Kokichi are you there?" It sounded like Shumai "No I'm Kokichi's not here" "Kokichi I know your there can you please come out" Wow Shumai wants to talk to me yiiippppeeeee! I got up and went to the door only see Kaito, Maki and Shuichi "What the fuck, going on here?" "We're going to ask you questions" Maki said "Ask me questions for what?" "You know that you have two split personalities and one of them is dangerous" "We're asking you because you might kill someone" "Why aren't they asking you, your the ultimate assassin" Maki seemed like she wanted to choke me to death "Kokichi stop this nonsense of yours and come out so we can ask you questions!" Kaito yelled "Whatever you say say space idiot" I pulled out a taser "What the hell are you gonna with that!?" As I put to my neck, I pulled the trigger"

Guess who's back your paranoid author here

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