Hey Emo boy

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Third person POV: Everyone looked at Kokichi in shock or just scared knowing now that there is a serial killer with them in this despairfull game they will have to think of a plan to stop "him" so they set up a plan to capture Kokichi or Saikoro "Okay listen you shitheads we will catch that little psycho of a bastard" Miu said "But we don't even have a plan right now" Kaito said "I know but we're gonna need bait though" Shuichi said "Okay Pooichi you'll be the bait then" "W-what why me?" "Hey don't question the female you degenerate male!" "U-um okay" "As I was saying blah blah blah blah" "Okay you got that you fucking morons?" "Yes" they set out the plan

Kokichi's POV: I woke up from my nap feeling a bit better than usual than it suddenly my alternative personality damnit "I hope I didn't kill anyone" than I heard a knock "Um Kokichi are you there?" Shit shit shit he's here damnit I felt like vomiting, I went to the door and opened it slightly just to reavel half of my face looking a bit nervous "Oh hey Kokichi can you come with me?" "N-no I can't" "I'm sorry" "Please forgive me" "I-i didn't mean to hurt anyone"

(Side note Kokichi has two personalities which is the murderous one and the softie one, peace😗👋)

Shuichi's POV: Kokichi looked very soft or something she looked like she was gonna breakdown and cry "Kokichi it's important" "Kyah!" She just shut the door my face I think failed but I'm gonna need to research more on her and the disorder as I went to tell everyone the plan failed the catch her but one day has passed and their  secrets are gonna be released to everyone here "Damnit" she might kill someone as I reached the door to the cafeteria everyone looked at me "So what happened sidekick?" "Sh-I mean he didn't cooperate" "Then what are we gonna do with him in this place?" "I can just bring him some food in his room" Kirumi said "I guess that works too thank you Kirumi" said Keebo "I have no problem in helping people after all it is my duty" she said with a soft smile  " Okay were gonna ignore him and carry on with ou-" then Monokuma appeared out of nowhere "Puhuhuhu you guys think I'm gonna let you guys let live your lives on without any despair?" "Well you thought wrong" "What do you want Monokuma!?" Miu shouted "Weell~~ since there's no killing I'll just spill them right now in the Gym!" "WHAT!?" "You can't do that!" "Yes I can because I'm the headmaster o-" "Yes we get it asshole your 'Headmaster of this game' there's no need to repeat yourself dumbass!" "Geez your so rude" "Either way come to the Gym!" "So long bear well!" We went to the Gym Himiko, Angie and Maki terrified expect for Ryoma maybe he was right he didn't care if anyone knew about his secret but then there's Kokichi I guess hi-her secret is already revealed but there's more to it

Lol cliffhanger either way you guys I hope you guys enjoyed it peace

*Epik outro*

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