🌻Chapter 23🌻

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              *Kokichi's POV*

I woke up late, I tried to stand up but due to my injuries I wasn't in the condition of walking, I crawled to the door and I was about to open it but someone opened it, and it Shuichi "Shumai! What are you doing here?" "I was gonna bring you food" "Awww how considerable of you~" "Do you need help walking?" "Nope!" He ignored me and put the food on the table and came to pick me up bridal style "Hey! I said I don't need help walking" "You needed help walking so that's why I'm carrying you. Plus your very light are you eating well?" "Yep! No need to worry about me" "Your like way light your about 120 pounds" "125 pounds to be correct" "But still your light" "Shumai I said no needs ta be worried about mah" "You pronounced those words wrong you know" "I did it on purpose" "If you say so" He carried me the cafeteria and everyone was there expect for Tsumagi that bitch "Heyo! The beautiful people are here!" "Nyeh why are you so loud in the morning? I'm still sleepy" "Himi your always tired!" "By the way why is Shuichi carrying you?" "Oh long story short Tsumagi tried to kill me and Shuichi saw me in bathroom injured and he treated my wounds" Everyone gasped "What why would she do that!?" "Yeah are we sure that it isn't another lie?" "Why would I lie just to go far and hurt myself so you guys could believe me?" "I trust Kokichi" "Huh? But Maki~Roll-" "No I trust Kokichi and that's it. I'll help them find the mastermind" "But it's too dangerous" "I'm the ultimate assassin how dangerous can it be?" "Yeah and I'm the ultimate supreme leader of evil!" "Yeah and also a killer" I hopped out of Shuichi's arms and went to sit with Maki and Kaito so we could discuss on how to stop the mastermind aka Tsumagi "Well since I'm good at lockpicking I can lockpick her dorm" "Are you sure just by your condition I don't think you'll be able to defend yourself" Shuichi said worryingly "There's no need for that because I can come with her she can also defend herself properly because of Jack" "Yep, that can also work too" "Okay just please be safe" "No worries Shumai I'll be okay!" "Okay if you say so. Wait me and Kaito can distract Tsumagi" "Are you sure?" "Yes I also want to help too and we have some evidence to prove that she's the mastermind" "Really can you show us?" "At the class trial" "Sooo when do we start this plan?" "Now" "Well okay let me go and take my lockpicking equipment" "Okay I'll come with you" "Okay let's go Maki!" I ran to the dormitory "Okay I'll be back in a second" "Okay but hurry up Okay?" "Okay!" I went inside my dorm and went to my desk "Okay now where is it?" I looked through all the drawers and "Ahaha you thought you could hide from me? Well your wrong" I went out my dorm and saw Kaito and Shuichi who were here already "Well I guess the mission is set now" "Okay, and Kokichi please don't get hurt" He walked up to me and kissed my forehead "Hey you know we're still here you know?" "Yes we know space idiot" "Hey who-" "Let's just do this already" "Okay Maki~san let's go!" "Okay"

              *Shuichi's POV*

We went to Tsumagi's dorm and Kokichi was lockpicking her room and she got in along with Maki "Okay so what are we supposed to do again?" "Kaito were you boy paying attention to the plan?" "I got lost half way through it" "Okay fine so we need to be on the look out for Tsumagi when she comes we will have to distract her" "Okay thank you Shuichi I knew I could always trust you that's why your my sidekick" We were talking while Kokichi and Maki were searching her room until we saw her "Umm why are you guys infront of my dorm?" "Oh we wanted to cosplay with you" "Really you want to cosplay with me!?" "Yep" "Yay let's go I have outfits that I want you guys to wear" She dragged us to her lab

                *Kokichi's POV*

We were snooping around Tsumagi's dorm "Have you found anything?" "Not yet" we were searching for hours now but still we didn't find anything. I went inside the bathroom and I was looking around and I touched something that led to a secret passage "Hey Maki come look here" "What is it?" She came inside the bathroom and saw the passage "What the hell?" "Let's go inside" "Okay" We got inside the passage and saw a room that looked girly and it gave me an uneasy feeling. We were searching inside the room and found the mother of Monokuma "Just give birth to a Monokuma" "Come on give birth" "No only the designed person can make a Monokuma" "What a waste of space" I went to the bin and there was a shot put ball, I took it and started examining it. It had no blood and it had a string of hair it looked like Keade's hair colour "M-maki come here" "What is it?" She came towards me and saw the shot put ball with the string of hair "Is that Keade's hair?" "Yes it is her's. So that means that Keade never killed Rantaro and she was framed by Tsumagi" "We can avenge her  death and Rantaro too" "I think we've found enough evidence that could lead to Tsumagi" As we were about to leave we heard the door open, we quickly hid away from her sight "Why is it all a mess? Well I guess I'll have to clean it" Me and Maki looked at each other and we saw two exits, we had a plan to get out of here but we had to do it quickly. I ran towards the first one and Maki went to the second one.
             * Shuichi's POV*

After cosplaying with Kaito and Tsumagi  she went back to her dorm but there was no stopping her I was looking around the school and saw a specific someone with purple hair, it was Kokichi she got out the girls bathroom " Hey Kokichi!" She looked at me with a sad face "What's wrong?" "H-how do i say this? Okay so Keade got framed and she didn't kill Rantaro it was Tsumagi" "I know" "How do you know?" "When that night you were injured I was gonna go to my dorm but I saw Tsumagi leave her room and I followed her and she got inside the girls bathroom and I couldn't find her in any of the stalls and I went inside the other stall it had a bucket a mop and a broom and I started examining the wall until I touched a certain brick which led to a secret passage I went inside and I saw Tsumagi talking to Monokuma and talking about on framing you just like Keade" At the fact I considered her as a friend but she turned out to be the mastermind "W-wait so she wanted to frame me. Just like Keade!" I nodded "The fact that we considered her as our friend. But we can stop her from continuing the game. WE can end this" She looked like she wanted to rip someone's spine out "I think we've found enough evidence that could lead to Tsumagi" "Okay I'll call Monokuma. MONOKUMA!" "Kokichi I don't th-" "What is it you brat!?" "W-wha!" "Shuichi!" "Stop wasting my time, now hurry up!" "Okay, okay we want a class trial" "Huh what why? There's no body discovered though" "But don't you want us to feel the terrifying wonderfulness of despair?" "Oh kid, I might start to like you than my cubz" "I know" "Okay I'll make the announcement" "Come to the courtyard for a class trial"

              *Maki's POV*

I got out of Tsumagi's secret place and I ended up in the library "So I guess this is where it leades to" I was searching around for Kaito and the others until the announcement played "Come to the courtyard for a class trial" But there hasn't been a body discovered not that I want anyone to die, but I kinda seems quite suspicious. I went to the elevator and everyone was there with visible confusion while Kokichi was smiling while she was being carried by Shuichi....


Hai please end my suffering

Anyways I hope you guys did not enjoy this chapter

Bye bye

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